
What is the role of the church in society?

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What is the role of the church in society?




  1. To inform and lead.

  2. That is a big question!  What it was, is definitely not what it is.The church was God's house, where people would go to seek refuge, food, solace, peace and faith in the Lord.  It was a place of fellowship, to glorify the Lord, to sing unto the Lord and to praise the Lord, in all things.  The people would communicate with the bible and come to a greater understanding of His word!  They welcomed everyone, regardless.

    Today?  You tell me...

  3. it's a big one.

    it brings hope, something to fall back on. the church can influence anything from abortions, to euthanasia, community decisions, to an individual's decisions.

    Also, with social activity, it can expand or keep out. for example, one of my friends is not christian, and has no problem with being friends with me, but her parents do because i'm catholic. it's a religion, has a set of values. but i don't think the church should have a say on matters of justice as not everyone is part of the church and might have different views.

  4. To provide a "man from Mars" look at our secular decisions - a counterpoint to our actions, so to speak.

  5. The role of church in society is to unite, educate, inspire and and be at the the forefront in trying to solve civil rights issues.

  6. From a sociological or anthropological standpoint churches serve a purpose futher than what many of your answers have stated.  Churches fill the role of a meeting place.  A place where people with common social opinions and social laws (in this case, beliefs) gather together.  It provides a place for companionship with others that are of the same subculture of sorts.  It is natural for people to seek out those that are like ourselves.  Churches provide us that kind of opportunity.  This is a sterile description of a church however.

    Breaking it down further, churches also provide answers to questions that everyone eventually asks in life.  This can be from the meaning of life, to is there another power at play in our world.  This is true of any kind of church, synagogue, temple, etc.  They can also provide rules for a society via a religion, that helps maintain a society as a whole.  Every society has its rules of many sorts and sometimes those rules are provided by religious beliefs within that society.

    As for Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions the church is often viewed as God's house.  People of the past and future would seek refuge, food, solace, peace and faith within a church (as another answerer stated).  

    However, churches (in American society especially) have a new purpose in addition to the old.  They have a political venue of sorts.  They can provide a platform for politicians both secular ones as well and religious.  This sort of new role for churches is an uncomfortable one for some.  Our country stands by the principle of religious freedom and struggles with the seperation of church and state.  This is not a bad thing, but can make the situation uncomfortable.  It will be interesting to see what the role of churches will be in another 100 years.

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