
What is the root cause of corruption ?

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is there a way out? what a common man can do to eliminate? is our education system faulty? is our 5000 years past experience a handicap ?




  1. We are responceble for this couse.

  2. Greed and favouritism on one side and opportunism/indifference on the other side.

  3. The root cause of corruption is corrupt people.

  4. Money

  5. Greed,  Jealously,  a thirst for Power......and the desire to be "better than"  someone else.     Who knows if we'll ever rise above it all.  We can only try!

  6. the p***s is the root cause...

  7. In my opinion it is greed. And the only way out that I can see is to elect 'honest' people to office in any countries that acknowledge themselves as a democracy. Greed runs the country and lies by politicians fuel it.

  8. Apart from the many reasons that others have chosen, and which are quite right, I would also blame our Hindu religion and the "inspirations" that we derive. The lessons that are learnt from infancy are not one of social consciousness but of individual enhancement through wealth by any means. This is rationalised by saying we are following the Dharma of our caste. The Bania will make money by selling adulterated goods, the money lender will charge usurious rates, the bureaucrat gets his graft by doling out favours- the power to give the favours is his and so he uses it for the benefit of self and his seven generations who are to do his "karma" after his death. So any thing goes in India and anything is justifiable by our religious beliefs. When Buddha preached against this mockery of religion, we simply absorbed him in our fold so that he got "digested". Hinduism is the root cause of all evil and is the "great python" which will devour all ideas.

  9. This is an excellent question but defies an answer. Probably there may be a solution to this in future when the common man realises that he is being cheated of his rights and an uprising occurs.Our education system is also to some extent responsible for this because it shows only green pastures to the students and does not educate them of their responsibilities as good citizens.

  10. Don't have leaders.  Corruption is the misuse of power, well don't give anyone power over yourself then.

  11. Its greed lack of equality in society and most imp lack of sense of contribution to society and country at large

  12. I've done a ton of research for many years to get the answer to this question. The ROOT cause of corruption throughout history has always been the "Money Masters". Never heard of the term, you should google it. The ones with the power to create money have always been the root of corruption. When the people are the government, our job is to oversee the money masters and keep them in check with a rifle pointed at them, literally. Our founders understood this. We got fat and happy and so lazy, now the money masters control our government. When we the people surround the money masters with our rifles is when we would root out corruption, until we get lazy again.

    Eliminate the Fed

    Restore the Constitution of the united States

    Fight for Freedom

    Vote Ron Paul 2008


  13. One of the root causes of corruption is our dirty political system. Nobody can practice corruption with out the support of political parties. No wonder why every political party has crores of party funds available. No sensible man in India want to contribute to political party funds from his hard earned savings. If somebody is contributing to such funds he will make sure that he can earn 100 times more than what he has contributed. It is done through corruption with the influence of politicians. Multiplication of political parties year after year is  weakening of democracy, in turn, rate of corruption is increased. It is more evident from the international rating our country in terms of corruption. First of all we have to cultivate good national feeling among our fellow citizens.

  14. the root cause is the honour we provide to the rich people how can a person earns lacs of rupee a day with honesty not by working the only way is by fame a famous person like salmaan khan or sachin tendulkar can do this actually they are not the earners but the common people share in there earnings

    if you get rich you are famous

    if you are famous you are rich

    they who cannot get fame they start getting money

  15. we need a major reorganization of our government.  i don' t know how to accomplish this , but we need to clean house / all of them .  completely restructure how it looks / acts and make them accontable quarterly.

  16. Human nature is at the root

    Greed what else.

  17. GREED

  18. Greed has been around as long as man.  But do not confuse industriousness with greed.  India is comming out of its long slumber caused by socialism.  When people are free to enjoy the fruits of their labor they do more labor.  Communism's motto: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need would work great in an altruistic society.  However, here in the real world communism only worked with strong dispots such as Stalin or Castro.  The commies need walls or oceans to keep people in.  For decades the go getters of europe and yes India have come to America for a chance to keep the fruits of their labor.  Now we are severely restricting their numbers and loading up on uneducated people from south of our border. Both democrates and republicans are courting these people but I fear the democrates will prevail.  Their goal is to institute government run european style health care which has proven to be a failure.  Also they will raise taxes on the rich and not so rich to buy votes from those who have less.

  19. The greed for money and power.  Ego.

  20. 5,000 years ago  when America was NOT discovered nor England basked under any civililzation,  India had an advanced civilization known as "The Indus Valley cilization"!The nomadic shepherds and cow herds of central Asia, called Aryans,sneeked into India in search for fodder for their flocks and food for themselvs. They gradually spread across the Indo- Gangetic Plains and drove the aboriginees - Dravidians - down south. Subsequently many tribes invaded India through the Khyber Pas  in the northwest.

    These Aryans showed a high sense of resilience and assimillated foreign ideas and idealogies.While they originally worshipped the God of the cowherds- Lord Krishna-

    they included Rudra or  Siva also in their pantheon.

    They only introduced the'Varnashra Dharma', which unnecessarily divided society into many castes-  high and low- or 'touchables' and 'untouchables'! In 5th century A.D. Manu further complicated things by putting too many hurdles on the way of the down castes.

    As per this while every one earned his bread by honest toil, the high caste Brahmin got everything serving Gods and chanting mantras!This sowed the seed of corruption in this soil!

    Later duting Muslim and British rule, the high caste got into the good books of the rulers and demanded bribe from the lower castes,This disease , over the centuries, has spread

    and CORRUPTION now has become hydraheaded.

    Thus, eradicating corruption is easily said than acted upon.

    Unless a mental revolution takes place, one appreciates the need of another and waits for his turn in the usual course,

    the spectre of corruption could not be got ridden.

  21. GREED!!!

    The only way to battle this in the system of government we have is for everybody to vote.  How many times have  you heard " Why should I vote? It doesn't count anyway". You never hear someone in business or in upper management of larger corporations say that. They vote!! That is why the congress & the administration is controlled by the wealthy. Is YOUR senator & representative wealthy? My bet is they are millionaires. They don't want the government to change.. It serves them just fine. It's the working man, the man that has made America what it is(or was) that is getting screwed. Get that guy that works at a minimum wage job to vote, h**l there is a lot of these people out there. In the realm of this government they don't even count. I guarantee you if the majority of people voted you would not have 30 year representative or senators in congress. Congress  as we know it votes in favor of these special interests. My mind goes right to the tax breaks for the oil companies that post billions in quarterly profits & senator Orrin Hatch giving a big speech in the senate in defending those huge profit . I don't care if they are democrats or republicans,  With longevity brings greed & corruption.

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