
What is the rule for painting one wall in a room?

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I am wanting to paint one wall in my bedroom a different color. The color is the same color as my curtain but they wall and the large curtained area are facing each other. Should I consider painting another wall instead? Would it shrink the width of the room by having two dark colors on facing walls?




  1. Generally you'd paint the wall behind your bed as an accent wall, but you can also paint the wall opposite the curtains to balance out the color in the room.  Your bed should be on the wall that you see as you enter the room (although I don't generally follow this rule as I don't like that placement for my beds, nor do I like the head of the bed placed so it can be seen from the hallway - funny me!).

  2. Yes lighter colors make rooms look bigger darker makes the room look smaller I would use a lighter color but its up to you Good Luck and have fun

  3. Yes, if you have the same colors as contrast on opposite walls, the eye will try to bring to two together, and shrink your room visually.  However if you use a different paint color all together you will not have this effect.  

  4. It depends.  When you walk in the room, what do you see?  where are you going to put your bed?  The dark colors on opposite walls could shrink the width of your room, but it might not depending on the size of your curtains.  I personally think, in my imagination of what your room looks like, that the dark color should be visible when you enter the room... on one of the walls perpendicular to the wall with the window.  

  5. should be darker than the other walls ,main focus maybe have your headboard in front of it, I don't think it will make your room look smaller

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