
What is the rule of pig latin when a word begins with a vowel?

by  |  earlier

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Please give examples with your instructions, if you dont' mind. I'm a little rusty on my pig latin.

eacepay and anymay anksthay.




  1. Use-yay a-way ouble-you-day.

  2. hetay eneralgay uleray siay knownunay otay emay.


  3. Forget this intellectual stuff... just swear at him instead. h**l. It works for me when she gets me down!

  4. Just mow through and try to pronounce the ridiculous arrived-at word anyway.


  5. And how would one say 'aorta' in pig Latin?

    I think my feeble mind just exploded. (((Peace Yo)))

  6. Well first off vowels could go a variety of ways

    but I was taught to write it/ speak it this way

    *first move all consonant letters  of a word to the end of the word

    *stop moving letters when you get to a vowel

    ex: what = atwh    you move wh and stop at the letter a

    then add   ay to the end of the word    ex: what = atwhay

    if a word begins with a vowel  dont move any letters and add yay

    to the end of the word  (yay pronounced:  y like y in yam and ay like Spanish e )

    ex: enter = enteryay

    you can futher your understanding at  the website

    which gives a complete tutorial on how to speak Pig Latin

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