
What is the saddest true story you ever heard?

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Non-fiction, please. Something that you heard or know about that just broke your heart.




  1. a one legged dog, limping home 3,000 miles after being abandoned, i found out the story after i hit him with my car.

  2. The  story  in Genesis.  Adam and Eve lost paradise.

  3. My own... It involves a drunken and pill addicted mother that had a tendency to kill my pets... Hold a gun to my head while telling me in a slured voice how "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" before ranting on about how my father was cheating on her (Which he wasn't) and how she had decided that she would kill me first, then kill my pets, then hunt my father down and kill him and then kill "His Whores".

    She killed hamsters, birds, fish... The only pets she never touched were my cats (One of whom lived to be 21 years old!) and my dog that died of natural causes.

    Then when I was 16 she blew her own head off... While I was watching TV in the living room on the other side of the door.

    It was REALLY hard to pretend to be sad to the cops and at the Funeral when all I could hear was the Wizard of Oz Song "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead! Which old witch? The WICKED WITCH! Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is DEAD!"

    Since then I have been diagnosed wtih depression, Border Line Personality Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, and a Hip Condition that has me in constant pain yet no one will help fix me because I can't get health insurance until I can hold a job and I can't hold a job until I get fixed enough which requires health insurance!

    All true... And not even 1/20th the whole story...

    I haven't even had time to get into spending a week in a foster home because she assulted a cop after a neighbor called the cops because she tried to beat me to death so I had to hold a knife to her throat but all she did was tell me to 'F*cking do it if you have the guts to kill your own mother."

    Or the abusive relationship I was in for 4 years where my X raped me after a miscarrage...

    Then there is my father's depression...

    The story is VERY long... and as sad as you can imagine...

    And I can't get a single person on earth right now to lift a finger to help me...

    Well, other then my father with whom I am living with beacuse I can't hold a job due to my mental and physical problems!

  4. When this mother drown her 4 children, one by one.  So much child abuse anymore it all makes me cry.  Those two mothers and their children shot numerous times in the face and torso...God!!!  I know, just one, but there are too many to find where to stop.

  5. One of my father's friends lost her only grandchild at the age of two. Her son had just divorced and his ex-wife was given custody of their baby daughter. Two weeks later the ex is dating again & moves the new beau into her home. Less than three weeks later the new beau abused & murdered the two year old little girl. The boyfriend had damaged her so badly that she had to have a closed casket.

  6. i watched it from a TV show in the philippines. it's about a boy who lives in a farm and lives with his family. his father was very rude, always drunk and wont provide for them. his two siblings died of starvation. so, the boy stood up to his father and told him all the things that he should have told him before but his father placed him inside a sack, tied it on a tree and beat him to death. his mother saved him and the boy run away. after 20 years, he came back to the farm with his family. his father just cried when he saw him. then came forgiveness. the end.

  7. My life.

  8. I think real life is sad, and happy.  I have seen many "tragedies" or sad moments, but I have also seen triumphs and moments of brilliance.  Life is the most exciting roller coaster ride.

  9. everything about the haulocaust. the book "night" by eilie weisel (a survivor)

  10. My oldest friend.... we met in first grade and have known each other for 50 years, didn't marry until her late 30's.  She married someone about 7 to 9 years older.  Two years later she got pregnant and had a special needs child.  Katie has Willie Prader Syndrome;

    About 6 years ago her husband fell down the basement stairs and died.  Now she is raising her daughter by herself.  Katie is now 19.  At some point she will need to go to a group home.  She will never be able to live on her own.  

    I admire my friend so greatly for being able to provide Katie with as near a normal life up to date as possible.

  11. my own. and a few others, but mine always makes me cry.

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