
What is the safest and surest way to remove skunk odour from a dog?

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What is the safest and surest way to remove skunk odour from a dog?




  1. Give your dog a tomato juice bath with oatmeal.. It will soak up the odor. And the oatmeal is good on the dog's coat, make's it shiny.

  2. Bath him in tomato juice.

  3. I have heard that tomato juice works quite well.

  4. OATMEAL shampoo

  5. If you can't go to all of the trouble of buying hydrogen peroxide at your local drug store, then a 2% vinegar solution will help a bit. But please, don't bother with the old tomato juice tactic unless you want to smell like skunk + tomato.

    Here is the secret recipe that WORKS. Mix the following:

    1 quart 3 percent hydrogen peroxide

    1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

    1 teaspoon liquid soap or dish detergent

    Mix these together and bathe ("shampoo" in or rub down) the spray victim thoroughly.

    Be sure to use this mixture immediately after it is created, as it is unstable.

    Rinse with tap water afterward, and repeat if necessary.

    For spray in the eyes, flush with water as soon as possible.

  6. It was on Myth busters....LOTS of shampoo and water...I used DAWN dish detergent it worked great.

  7. tomato sauce

  8. listen to bonzie12 it will work but it may need to be done a few times,thats what the vet told me.tomato juice does NOT work.

  9. Bathe them in tomato juice. It may need to be done twice but it works. Our dogs got sprayed and we had to bathe all 3 of them in tomato juice.

  10. Oh i had this problem before...our dog got skunked. So we took her to the bath tub and filled it with water and tomato paste...she is a poodle so it didn't take much really. But anyway, it worked the best and its not harmful. It doesnt fully go away for like 2 or 3 days but nothing will help it but alot of baths and time.

  11. Tomato bath

  12. The scent of a skunk can not only be powerfully malodorous, but also very irritating to the eyes and mucus membranes. The secretions contain multiple chemicals. One group, the thiols, are responsible for most of the strong scent. Others are acetate derivatives of these thiols. They are responsible for the smell, that tends to linger and become worse if the dog becomes wet. The most obvious sign is the smell. The dog may roll on the ground attempting to rid himself of the smell. The eyes may water, and the dog may be nauseated and retch. Immediate Action is to either use a treatment specifically formulated for use on skunk odors like Skunk Kleen or Skunk-Off, or use the following formula:

    1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide

    ¼ cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

    1 teaspoon liquid soap

    This recipe can be doubled for bigger breeds.

    Wet your dog down and work the mixture through the dog's hair. Leave it on for three to four minutes and rinse. This will generally need to be repeated several times. Be sure to throw away any excess mixture. Do NOT get any of the mixture in the eyes; as a precaution, place protective ophthalmic ointment in the eyes. Note that the above mixture may bleach the hair color temporarily until the animal sheds and new hair grows in. Common antidotes like tomato juice, vinegar, or regular shampoos will not be as effective. Contact your veterinarian, if the eyes are severely affected, or the dog continues to vomit or retch. Veterinary Care: General treatment: Bathing with a special formula will continue, and the eyes will be flushed with water or sterile saline. Supportive treatment: Medications may be administered to help with the nausea, if present.

  13. bathe the dog in tomato juice

  14. give the dog a normal bath in a washtub w/ lots of water and mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide together, and rub the bubbly mixture all over the dog as if it were soap. my dog has been sprayed many times and it always works.  

  15. try bathing him in tomatoe juice.

  16. pour tomato juice on him/her?

    thats what they do to humans

    just put goggles on his eyes so it wont go in?  

  17. Tomato sauce, it works great on humans as well as animals... Whatever you do, don't give him a shower or spray with the hose, Water activates something in the urine of the skunk and it makes it smell even worst..Look it up because i'm not sure what it is that it activates, i just know NO WATER and LOTS OF TOMATO SAUCE.

  18. One quart of Hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1-2 teaspoons of liquid detergent. mix as well as you can. then sponge it on the dog and rinse off.

    You can multiply the recipe as much as you want depending on the size of the dog.

    Use solution right away because it does not last.

    Also do not try to store it in a closed container as it releases oxygen and will burst the container.

  19. Tomato sauce.

  20. try baking soda bath,3 boxes in the tub

  21. Believe it or not...Plain ol every day tomato juice.  I have tried several different things and the best I found was the tomato juice.  Just buy enough of it to really soak your dog, you know just like if you were to wash him up with shampoo.  It neutralizes the skunk smell.  Leave on a few mins and rinse really well.  Just watch you don't get it his eyes.  Best to err on having extra than not enough.  Not expensive either.

  22. they sell products for that exact purpose at petsmart

  23. tomato juice? that's what we used on our cat, but to be honest that just changed the smell, and made it slightly more bearable. i think it did help it go away faster. you could also try nature's miracle. it's for use on pet stains on carpet but it might work on skunk odor. vinegar might help. call your vet. or check at petco.  

  24. Tomato Juice.Use it like a shampoo, then give him a bath afterwards.

  25. Bathe him in tomato juice.  Poor puppy.

  26. You have to bath it in "tomato juice."

    The acid in it, will kill the smell. <}:-{(

  27.     * Vinegar and water. There are many who swear by this method for removing skunk odors. The idea is to soak the dog in a white vinegar and water bath, soap him up and then rinse. Repeat the process if it does not work the first time.

        * Apple cider vinegar and water soak. Substitute apple cider vinegar for the white vinegar to give this one a try.

        * Powdered douche agents. Many people say this is one of the best methods going for removing skunk odor from a dog. The trick is to use the powdered kind.

        * Sprite or 7up. This is a remedy for skunk odor that should not hurt a dog's skin or eyes. All it calls for is soaking the animal in soda for a while and then washing normally. Repeat if necessary.

    The first inclination after a skunk run in might be to try tomato juice, but many dog owners complain this creates a bigger mess and doesn't really get the job done. The above ideas should not mess up the bathroom or yard too terribly bad and they won't dye a dog's fur.

    Dealing with a dog who has been sprayed by a skunk is never fun, but with a little work, Fido should smell like a bed of roses again. Just take steps to protect anything else from picking up the odor of skunk if at all possible.

  28. Give it a bath in tomato juice.  Sounds weird, but it works.  I don't know why.  Good luck!  I feel sorry for you and your dog.

  29. they sell a special shampoo for it at the pet store and most feed mills but I have heard that tomato juice works

  30. Tomatoe juice.

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