
What is the safest seat on an airplane?

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What is the safest seat on an airplane?




  1. i think at the wing cuz if it goes in water ur at the wing already.. urll be the 1st one out! but idk/idc i love airplanes!!

  2. There are too many variables to determine the "safest" seat.  They are all safer than the seat in your car.  But you can make it safer.  It's not as much an issue as selecting the safest seat as being mentally prepared to get out if you need to.  Aircraft accidents are extremely rare.  When fatal accidents do occur, it's rarely the impact that kills people.  It's from smoke inhalation because people don't know how to get themselves out of the twisted mess in a timely manner.When you fly, can you find the two nearest exits blindfolded?  Do you know how to open the doors without being able to read the placards or seeing the handles?

  3. You either die if it crashes or you don't.  The odds are so slim of a crash these days, don't stress over it s much.  When it's time, it's time.

  4. I would say coach,way in the back.Why? because if the airplane crashed,the front would hit first.

  5. the seat behind the emergency exit

  6. in the middle of the plane  

  7. I'm not sure that matters, because if the plane slams into a cornfield at 600 miles per hour no one is walking away from that one.

  8. A joke from my brother in law, who was in the AF 20+ yrs, he said that the bathroom is the safest place in a crash, they bolt those in pretty tight.......

    Seriously? hard to tell, depends on the crash, for safety I'd say anywhere over the spar and near the exit.

  9. by the wings  

  10. anywhere in the plane is the safest until it takes off.In other words it's safe on the ground get on and enjoy yourself and get off before it takes off.

  11. none, if you hit the ground at 200 mph everyone is gonna be dead lol

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