
What is the safest time of day?

by  |  earlier

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If i were to go out for a run, what do you think would be the safest time of day? Like to avoid those creepers that kidnap you and stuff? I want to run in the morning here because it's hot.




  1. 3 times when you can run and be fairly safe:  When people are traveling to work, during lunch, and when they are going home.  The chance of a kidnapping lessens if others are around watching.

    Also, run with a whistle and a cell phone.  You can blow the whistle to draw attention to you and use the cell phone in case of an emergency.

  2. We're living in a crazy world, hun...there is NO safest time of the day!  Whenever you choose to go for that run, make sure that you are armed with some protection...pepper spray, a stun/taser gun..."something"!  

    Or better yet, just get a treadmill and run inside your home! :o)

    Good luck!  And happy trails!

  3. dont run at night in the dark

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