
What is the safest way to set a rat trap?

by Guest62295  |  earlier

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what is the safest way to set a rat trap?? i end up resetting like 10 rat traps a day and every few days one snaps on me. their big traps and i am worried about my fingers. luckily, the last few times it snapped on me the rat carcass was in the way but that wont happen every time!!




  1. why dont you buy traps safe for rats?  your fingers cant get hurt in those then you can release them to the outside world(which is much nicer!!!)

    edit:  drive them away from your house (duh)  take them to a fast food restraunt and relesase them outside of it.  The rats will love it there.

  2. Use Shake Away.

    This would be especially good in your case, because the rats aren't in your house yet. It has the scents of foxes and bobcats, which drives the rats off, because they are predators! So you won't have a rat problem and you won't be snapping your fingers or dealing with rat corpses.

  3. This is the pet section so I doubt you're going to get much sympathy.  People do have pet rats.  I'm going to go with the last person and say to get a live trap.  Maybe try this one?  It's a Havahart, I never have had to use it but I hear it's good.  Release rats at least a mile away so they don't get back in.

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