
What is the salary range of Mechanical Engineer (as starter) working for an international company in Vietnam?

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I am looking for a job back in my country as Mechanical Engineer




  1. Salaries will vary in different locations and depending on your qualifications and employment setting.More information, tips and help at

  2. If you have experience, and a salary history in whatever country you are currently in, you can try to argue for a comparable salary back in VN, but good luck!

    If you have recently completed your studies but have limited work experience you need to figure out how to sell your other qualifications (your English language skills for example).

    I assume you are asking because you would like to get a higher salary than would be offered to a local Vietnamese mechanical engineer. If so, you need to really be able to sell your unique skills and abilities, otherwise, there is no reason to offer you more than anyone else.

    Good luck!

  3. every country even company in every city and town has different salary range. It depends a lot on experience.

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