
What is the saying to get your marriage back on track after drifting apart with no other party invovled?

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besides saying that i love you




  1. just tell her you wanna stuff her like a thanksgiving turkey.  things will most certainly light up after that.

  2. Suprise her.  Cook her a meal.  Take her out for a meal. Buy her some flowers.  go for a romantic walk,  take her to the movies.

    Act as though you are dating again.  Start from the beginning and re-learn each other.  Likes, dislikes, etc.

    Your marriage has hit a hiccup and you need to be back on track before things get too distant to save it.  Be spontaneous.

    Give her a huge hug when she least expects it.  Start with the little things.  cup of tea in bed, toast in the morning. flowers, a glass of wine. anything to get the ball rolling.  She will respond.  Tell her how beautiful she is.  How you love the colour of her eyes.  

    Just mean what you say.  Everyone goes through bad patches - its knowing how to re-ignite the passion and love that's the most important thing at this point.

    Talk, talk and talk some more.  Communication and trust are they key things in a relationship.  If you have neither you don't have a relationship.

    Good Luck

    I'm sure she will love whatever you do or say. She probably will respond equally to you!

  3. Many of us do drift apart in our marriages over time.  For lots of reasons as well.  It seems the main reason are children.  We have children and are so occupied with them that we seem to neglect each other.  Both parties are guilty.  Sometimes work causes it.  But talk to your spouse.  Let her know that you feel you have drifted apart and that you want the closeness you once had.  Treat yourselves to a weekend getaway.  That would be great starters.  Of course, try to have lots of s*x!  That always makes two people feel closer.  But also spend lots of time talking.  Don't talk about the bad things, talk about what you miss the most.  After your weekend getaway, start making a date each week.  Just the two of you.  My husband and I will sometimes do the smallest, most inexpensive thing, pack up dinner, regardless of what it is, and go sit on a blanket at the lake and eat together.  Sometimes we just go for a quiet walk and hold hands.  You can do things that are very inexpensive if that is an issue, which sometimes can be an issue and can cause the distance between two.  Sometimes we just take one night and rent a room.  Local, but it's just the two of us!  No children, NO cell phones, just me and him.  And even if we don't have s*x, we cuddle.  But the most important thing is communication.  Talk to each other.  It's amazing at how much we change thoughout the years.  And chances are with our busy lives, we haven't bothered telling our spouse of our new interest, our new dreams.  But definitely start dating again, it's like a new relationship all over again, only it's with someone you already love!  My best wishes go out to you!  Good luck.

  4. We don't understand your question?

  5. could you explain a little bit more please not understanding the question then you can get proper answers

  6. sry - i don't get it.

  7. Reconcile? (This means to restore harmony or friendship).

    If you and your wife are happy again together, then saying 'I love you' is perfect.  

    There are no sayings as such, just be nice and kind to one another.

    EDIT:  I think the best way to ask your question would be -

    'What is the best way to get your marriage back on track...'

    Good luck.

  8. lol sing to her

    Take That -  Back For Good

    Whatever I said, whatever I did I didn't mean it

    I just want you back for good

    Whenever I'm wrong just tell me the song and I'll sing it

    You'll be right and understood

    Edit: I think he means what can he say to his lady to get his marriage back on tracks.  They have drifted apart (There was no cheating etc to cause the split)

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