
What is the scariest dream you have ever had???

by  |  earlier

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mine is not really a dream... it is an experience that i basically relive whenever i go to sleep......




  1. the nightmares i sometimes have about the car accident i was in last year.

    a guy was attacking me at work, and he was pushing me onto an open oven door and burning my leg.

  2. the falling dream

  3. Tell us yours first

  4. Coulda told us the experience at least.

    My scariest:

    I worked in a video store with Hitler as my manager. I got caught messing around one day and he started putting on white gloves right before I woke in a cold sweat. Freaky.

  5. well, i have 2, and they were both from when i was really small, maybe 5? they sound really stupid, but i freaked out.

    the first one was that i dreamed that the dog house that was outside our house was next to our old black fridge, in the kitchen. for some unknown reason, i had like 50 giant teddy bears that could fold down to the size of a basket ball. well, i was in the process of putting them up and into the dog house and fridge... dont ask me why... and, they started popping out, and started walking toward me, and they were really tall. the just slowly waddled kind of toward me, like how they depict zombies moving... then, in my dream, i dived under the kitchen table, and buried my head in my pillow i always kept with me. i woke up crying all the time when i was little, and my mom says i used to laugh in my sleep, wheather i woke up crying or not.

    the other dream is that i dreamed that my father's workshop (he works with wood, and has a big building rented to hold the tools and wood.) was only half of a shop. the other half was like forest. it had pine trees, really tall ones, and it had a stream running through it. i dreamed that my father turned into this green worm thing, with white fuzzy, like evil scientist hair. he kept telling me that he was going to turn himself into a poison liquid, and that i was supposed to dump the liquid into that creek/stream thing. in the background, a plane was crashing in the forest part... and he turned himself into the liquid, and, he told me to dump him into the creek so it would poison everybody and kill them...and i told him no, and that i wasnt going to, and i was crying histarically. i remember it so vividly that i even knew what i was wearing. it was a little plaid skirt with a matching vest and a white t-shirt under it. so, i dropped the liquidy stuff on the ground and ran away.

    honestly, i dont know how i came up with this stuff when i was little, but i did. yeah, i was a smart kid, but i still dont know how i came up with a killing the world plot, and, no, i did not watch a scary movie that suggested it, and even if i had, i would have fallen asleep during it, or forgotton it the minute it was done. and, i dont know how, in my dreams i would first be actually laughing and crying... i hardly ever remember my dreams, but maybe something i saw made me happy or sad... or, maybe i just had issues, but i must have been one strange kid... either way...

    have a great day!!!


  6. I saw evil spirits attached to certain people in church.

  7. Being chased by someone.  

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