
What is the scariest dream you have ever had?

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ive had two whoppers!




  1. Easy, for the last few nights I have been dreaming the same dream except in different ways. My friend Carly went to Italy for 10 days and had to miss the two last days of school. On Tuesday 1 week after school ended I had a dream about her. It was the last day of school and everyone had to dress dressy. But you couldn't wear a dress. So Carly and I came in and we both noticed that everyone was dressed up. So we both had to go home and change into a dress and soon as we went back, kids started to laugh at us. The one on Wed was we were in a Blue Maze. We had to try and find each other. The one last night wasn't with her but was simalar to the one I had Mon.There were columns that you had to be on. There were 2 people that were it. I was seperated into Worker Column A. This was base. You couldn't be on base for more than 10 seconds. If you did you'd die.But I was always running. I knew a few places to hide but they also did. So if they fould me they would through a paper ball at me.Then die

  2. I told my family I was going to die at midnight but they didn't believe me. I counted down the time until 12 and then I died. The thing was I was still standingthere and I still looked alive but I just felt dead. I then told my family I was dead but they still didn't believe me. Then, my mum died in the same way and we both were transported to this army where we were set missions and c**p!

    I also had one where I was Lenny from the Simpsons and I had to cook a meal before Homer woke up. Well, Homer woke p and I could see him slowly approaching me. I was rushing around to get the meal finished! I'd never been more scared of Homer in my life.

    What were your scary dreams? xx

  3. its when i was 6.

    i saw i am in a spooky house were there are really huge vampire dogs, scaletons and i saw that my parents were turned into zombies. and the ghosts wanted me to be a zomby too. so i and my sister was escaping from there in a a car and then a huge vampire dog bumped in the car. thats were i woke up. after all these years the dream is still clear to me.

  4. Falling and falling and falling........

  5. Being chased or encountering like dark spirits or murderers or having family killed. Spooky!

  6. When I was a kid I dreamt there was a scary man in the bed next to me. He had his hand over my mouth and then he was wrestling me on the floor. Then I woke up and I was in the bed again. It's still really vivid in my mind after so many years.

  7. all nightmares are equally scary in there own ways in my opinion.

    one i had was where this guy was running round wearing a NBC warfare suit and gasmask, in the masks mouthpiece(which was stretched) there was the scientific explosive symbol, and he was weilding a chainsaw that was longer than a real one.

    i found this frightening, because if a psychopath escaped from a hospital, or even just decided to go on a killing spree, that could actually happen.

  8. The scariest dream I ever had was when I was in my backyard at night, and I was on the left side of the yard. I looked to my right and saw a person in a hood. I couldn't see their face, until they pulled their hood off, and turns out, it was a giant snake! It was just staring at me, and I started running, and I looked away from it for 2 seconds and looked back, and it was right in front of me. I woke up, and the next night, I was in the same place in my yard, and I saw a snake! I just kicked it away and ran inside my house. XD

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