
What is the scariest nightmare you have ever had?

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Tell the story of the scariest nightmare that you can remember that you've had in your life.




  1. Some of these are kind of blurry...

    I remember dreaming once of a girl who was buried vertically, and who kind of looked like Samara from the Ring... I think in the dream she was after me, but I remember seeing her body vividly.

    A dream where there was an old lady confined to a bed, and I had to kill her with a hatchet before she killed me first.

  2. I had a dream in which I was stabbed in the chest with a long knife.  It didn't hurt so much as it was very, very cold.  Then the coldness spread all over me until I realized that I was dying.  The  room became black, and all I could see was the knife.  Then all was black, and I felt such sadness.  I could not see anything.  there was no light to go toward.  When I woke, I was still very, very sad.

  3. Being in the middle of a room full of zombies.  To escape, I have to shuffle around and pretend to be one of them.  But as I get closer to the exit, they all start to look at me and realise that I'm not one of them.  They usually tear me to bits just before I reach the door!

  4. being kidnapped. ONE OF MY BIGGEST FEARS

  5. Its a reoccuring one I used to get when I was a kid. Its also the only time Ive ever slept walked. I would have to throw a stone into this hole or the world would die (not very orgignal I know) and I had 3 attempts. First 2 I miss.

    Last shot I miss again. I know whats happened and Im just waiting knowing that the world is over and its all becuase of me.

    Its usually at this point I would wake up pacing in the living room becuase I would have set the house alarm off with my nocturnal wonderings.

    Thankfully I havent had it for years and years and although it sounds weak (even to me) it worried me sick at the time.

  6. For years as a teenager i would dream about living in a house with a gravel drive and although i was asleep i thought i was hearing someone unidentified walking slowly towards the house . Many nights i would wake sweating and peep through the curtains to see if someone was standing staring up at my window.Only years later did i discover that the footsteps were actually my own heartbeat , still as a kid i was terrified

  7. The scariest nightmare I ever had was that, I was in a luxury cruiser in the middle of the ocean.  A really big one; it was massive, easily as large as an oil tanker.  Except for a few survivors in the top decks, the boat was crawling with zombies.

  8. I am dragged to the desert. A big man cuts my eyelids off and leaves me.  I can feel my eyes drying up and burning.  I find a bottle that I think is water, but it is pickle juice.  I die slowly while birds eat my body.

  9. scary looking objects/people,

    struggling at school

    breaking up

    someone dying

    loosing my teeth


  10. Many years ago, I dreamed my brother went crazy and was shooting me with a gun, I could feel the impact, see the blood but then I'd wake up.  I've never trusted that brother since!

    I hate bad dreams...

  11. i dont really remember my dreams when i wake up..but this and another freaky dream i can very well my dream i was in my room then all of a sudden it turned dark, then like a movie, the scene changes to me with my mom, another change, and my mom is sitting in the living room by herself, another change and i see a coffin people standing around it with flowers in my kept repeating over and over until i woke up. when i wake up, my pillow was wet because i was freaked me out because i love my mami!!she's the greatest person!!

  12. I walk at night in an empty street, feeling danger, then some thing or someone not specified come after me, I started run and run breathless and afread but I can't lost it. At the end when it almost catches me I wake up. This nightmare hunted me over 25 years. And it stopped after I got marry.

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