
What is the scariest paranormal thing you have experienced?

by  |  earlier

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i just wanna find out, ive heard the people ho experience things like this just all quiet, but if ghosts and that **** is true man they are brave




  1. I was meditating in my room one night when a vision can to me. It was like looking though someone else eyes. I was in a huge city, and there was tons of chaos all around. I look down to see a man lying on the ground. His eyes are closed, but as I move closer his blood shot eyes fly open and he opens his mouth. No words came out, water did instead. My vision ended and I was no longer on my bed, which was where I was before I began my meditation. I was in the hallway. That was the first time I attempted to meditate, and my last. I thought the spirits were mad are me for interfering.

  2. I never experienced anything too scary.  One time a shoe was basically thrown across a room I was in.  Still haven't figured that one out.  Recently I saw a UFO.  It wasn't anything too big or detailed, just an unexplainable red light in the sky.

  3. I haven't really experienced anything that I think is scary but the weirdest thing that has happened to me was a month ago on my daughters birthday. The phone rang and my daughter, who is ten, answered and began to talk away about things she had done over the summer. After a few minutes she handed me the phone and said here mom papaw Henry wants to talk to you. I did grab the phone and there was nothing there except static. Why is this weird? Henry is my husband's dad (married for 11 years now) who died 5 years before my husband and I met.

  4. i saw jesus on my grilled cheese once. mmmdelicious diety

  5. Like I said.

    I experienced a possession.

    It was a sleep paralysis, but it was more than a hallucination.

    It was terribly frightening. I woke up cold and saw a green mist next to my right ear. It formed a grinning skull and then entered my ear before I could get away. My body froze like a shock and then I couldn't move.

    I then saw visions of things I rather not speak of here.

    It was a learning experience in which I learned much. Fortunately being an object lesson it was not a permanent state. There are those that are attacked like this and they need an intervention to be returned to themselves.

  6. Someone was once casting a spell on me and that night I crossed my arms and ankles and I felt like I was having a seizure my eyes rolled back and then I saw the person casting the spell and the person who wanted that spell casted on me. They were in a small dark room there several candles around one wall and they had my picture and were tying a black ribbon around it. the spell caster stopped because he felt my spirit there and the ribbon fell off the picture and then I was back in my body in my own room. I was here in the US and the spell casting occurred in Mexico, 16 hours away from my home here in Texas.

  7. Once I looked in the mirror and my reflection was smiling wierdly at me when I wasn't...

  8. was sleeping one nite when I was awaken by a crushing feeling on my chest, I couldnt move, the room was ice cold and I could see a spirit or whatever above me that looked like a small bit of fog...I said you cant get me!  and it vanished into the corner of the room...a good friend of mine lived at this same apartment complex and recounted nearly the same story to me that the same thing happened to him!!

    Then I had a dream a girl who had left our school in 1st grade returned...she was there the next day in 7th grade!  

  9. The scariest thing I have ever experienced was satan at work, and I thank God that Christ is stronger.  

  10. Wet paint.  I have found wet paint in a few areas of my home.  No explanation, and I'm the only human living here.  Not a lot of paint at a time.  There were a few drops of wet oil paint under an antique telephone table I have in the basement.  One day I pulled my bed from the wall to clean under it, and had green paint on my hand that came off the bed post.  There was wet gold paint under my desk.  All of the paint has been an oil base paint.  Weird!  I'm pretty artistic, and someone told me they thought "someone" was trying to tell me to get busy and do some art pieces.  I dunno...but when I find wet paint somewhere, it really, really bothers me.  I actually want to run out of the house, but I don't.  I just grumble at "whoever" did it, while I clean it up.  

  11. I was sitting with my boyfriend making out when his phone rang suddenly. He said it was my dad, saying "what the **** are you doing with my daughter?" or some c**p like that.

    I told him my dad was dead. Then he ran screaming "BUT WHO WAS PHONE?"

    It couldn't have been my mom either, she doesn't have his cell number. WHO WAS PHONE?

  12. Driving along the A38 in Cornwall, on the edge off Bodmin Moor at night in summer of 1999

    Doing about 55 mph on a bit of dual carriageway, up a fairly steep bit of hill, and I see a large black shape step out into the road ahead. It's too close to slow the speed down much, and I'm not going to swerve, as that'll just make me lose control of the car.

    I'm absolutely certain the creature is physical, and I do a VERY quick estimation of how heavy it will be/how much damage hitting it will do to the car (LOTS!), so I brace myself for an impact.

    Moments before I'm going to hit the shape, it turns and looks STRAIGHT at me. I see a pair of blue/turquoise eyes staring right back at me, and realise its a very large black cat, the spine of which is somewhere between bumper, and bonnet height, and it's length (excluding tail, which I don't recall!) isn't much less the width of the car

    However instead of an impact. I get an incredibly strong wave of coldness, and my hair feels like it's standing on end for the 15 or so  minutes it takes to get to/over the Tamar bridge. Only then do I talk to the passengers about what had just happened. The passenger who was behind me saw both of the eyes, and the front seat passenger saw one of the eyes. Both passengers also got the cold hair-raising feeling.

    I glance at the clock and see it's 17 min past one in the morning. I then release as it's summer, we'd must have had the experience at just about bang on midnight (which is at 1 am with daylight saying time)


    I don't know if crossed my path, if I crossed it's path, or if our paths met! If it was physical animal it may have jumped out of the way. I certainly didn't see it jump out of the way, but I MAY have been too worried about the potential impact to notice!(My eyes were open but that's not the point)

    Looked VERY like the pic in this article (but eyes were blue, and I'm SURE it was a cat from it's "movement")

  13. My grandparents house in the middle of the country (Ireland), im a city boy so i'm kinda used to noise outside, but there its dead silent and i swear i can hear footsteps of a heeled shoe walking though the house every night, freaks the h**l outta me.

  14. hmm i really havent experienced anything like that , maybe the tv turning on and off by itself but thats about it, i was like "wtf"

  15. haha well i'm not really sure that i believe in ghosts and all that stuff. i do get creeped out sometimes at random things- but thats just thanks to scary movies:) though one time back when i was in like 3rd grade lol. And i was lying in bed at night trying to go to sleep when I started hearing a tapping noise coming from my desk across the room. so I looked over and there was this like white thing by my desk. When I think about it, it was basically like the silhouette of a man and it was about the height of a man. And from what the silhouette was like, it looked as though there was almost of one those Indian hats on its head. You know, like the things Indians wore on their head with feathers and such stuck in them? Which really made perfect since, considering that I do not live very far from a few Indian burial grounds. And being only like 9 years old when this happened you can imagine I was pretty freaked out. Haha. But the white thing didnt look all ghosty- like how you imagine ghosts looking. Like, you know how if you stare at a lightbulb or something for a while and then look away and you've got little spots from the light in your vision whereever you look? Well thats what the white thing looked like. I might have just imagined it or whatever but you never know. :)

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