
What is the scariest story you've ever heard?(10points)

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tell me the scariest story you know or anyone has ever told you.

like a scary myth. just not like "car accident" "or breaking my arm" like a made up or true story you know.

but they have to be scary!

just anything that gets me scared enough will be chosen as best answer:)




  1. not really scary,but eerie and its a true story !..years ago my lil bro was leaving virginia and moving back to calif in pouring rain..he found out his ex was sleeping with her bro was very upset and at his wits end..he was moving our grandmas Antique mahogony mirror when suddenly..Wam! it dropped and bro fell on his knees weeping from all the pain of losing his wife and his young daughter,and now grammas mirror..he then felt a hand on his shoulder and he heard our  deseased Grandmas voice say "its just glass,its just glass" now i got goose bumps !

  2. Many have told the so-called scariest story.But that did'nt scared me .So,i don't any one.  

  3. This is a true story (my mom told me this):

    One day my mom was studying in a small room i believe is a dormitory somewhere in Visayas, Philippines i think in Leyte and there was this window beside her. It was early in the morning then, the sun haven't risen yet. When suddenly when my mom looked out she saw this dark man with his face pressed against the window. He appeared to be suspended and mom said his face was really really pressed on to the window and he was all dark and his big white eyes were scary. My mom ran to my aunt's room and told her about it. My aunt who was much braver than my mom went back to check but then the black man wasn't there!

    SOOO CREEEPPY i cudn't help checking the window at this time! D:

  4. i heard this story on the radio years ago and it still scares me!

    this lady rang up and said that this one night her nephew had past away. the little boy was about  6 or 7. this lady's daughter was the same age and good freinds and she was trying to figure out a way to tell her daughter that her freind had passed.

    She decided to leave it till the next morning. so the next morning, she goes to her daughter and explains that her friend has gone to heaven and that he wont be able to come back etc.

    her daughter says 'oh i know mummy' and her mum asks, how do you know this? and her daughter replies ' because he walked and waved past my window last night'

    it gives me goose bumps all the time! and it's not to qoute either


    One night (before I was born) my dad was driving down this old road that was surrounded by trees (Deep Well Woods Road in Crab Orchard, KY I think) and all of a sudden he heard something land on the roof of his truck.  Then, this woman in a wedding dress looked down into the windshield and she didn't have a FACE!  It was just BLANK!  Well, he slammed the brakes and she fell off and he went rippin' the h**l outta there.

    He told me this when I was a kid and he's never been the type to do drugs or anything that would make him hallucinate something like that.

    Anyway, several years later, my cousin was telling me this story of a woman who lived in this house beside that road that hung herself on her wedding day because she got stood up at the altar.  


  6. The story in Will Smith's movie "I Am Legend".

  7. im live in lizzie borden town if you dont know her look it up and on her grave this one girl sat on her grave and sang the lizzie borden song well when she went to get up her toe nail was ripped off and she didnt feel it or anything and then i think a day later...someone called her phone the number was 666-666-6666 and when she picked up it was someone singing the lizzie borden song!! true story!!!!----------

    -----theres another person i know that went into the same cemetary and he brought in a oijui board there and i guess when he asked a question, one spirit said that there were 3 hundred something people that wanted to kill him GET OUT!!   seriously!!! my town is wicked haunted...dont ever go here  

  8. TRUE STORY from my mum when she was younger...

    my mum told me this story that when she lived in London in the early 90's there where a lot of troble going on about that time, like murders everything like that, anyway she and my aunt where staying in one night and it was about 2 in the morning, they were on the couch watching Tv behind my mums house was the highway and beside the highway was this huge woods. so while they were watching Tv they heard a scream coming from the woods and my mum said straight away they knew someone was being murdered becasue it was the most blood curling scream you could ever hear in your life. they were so scared but they knew they had to go outside becasue if someone was hurt or dying out there they would have to help. so they said they were grabbing on to each other nearly crying their eyes out and it was pitch black , they could not see a thing. and imagine what it would be like hearing that scream then having to go through the black woods at 2 in the morning? i wouldn't be brave enough. so as they were walking though the woods they were terrified incase the girl was murdered and they would be too and after looking around they decided to go back inside, they ran all the way. the next morning they woke up to noises outside. there were people standing outside the house and in the woods there were about a dozen police officers, they went outside to see what was going on and the neighbour said that they had found a young girl that had been murdered the night before. looks like my mum had been right.

  9. What about scary stories I lived through, in a warzone? Heck not Iraq or this so called wars. I am talking about civil war for 12 years, and shooting and killing people at the age of 13.

    I won't talk about it though. Sorry. I try not to.  

  10. Hello,

    The Bray Road Beast.


    Michael Kelly

  11. Well my mom says when she camps,she and her friends in camp had a bravery test.They say theres a hill called "Passage of the White Lady" and if your too scared you won't be allowed to take a bath until tomorrow!

  12. hey :)

    i don't know any scary stories by memory (at least ones that aren't on this site) but i absolutely love reading the stories here... you might've heard of it, but they've got pretty much every single urban legend that ever existed, and they even tell you whether they're real or not... some of them aren't scary, but they've got a 'horror' section full of heaps creepy ones...

    here are the two that i found the freakiest for me:

    but i'm not sure what sort of things you find the most freaky... so here's their horror section:

    i spent like a whole afternoon on snopes once, it's heaps fun :) :)

  13. So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

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