
What is the scientific explanation why men are attracted with women's b***s?

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What is the scientific explanation why men are attracted with women's b***s?




  1. Because subconsciously when we look at at person of the opposite s*x we are judging them as a potential mate.  Large well formed b*****s makes a man say that that woman would be good at feeding your babies.  You have to remember when humans were evolving every baby was breast fed.  You couldn't just go to the supermarket and get a can of formula.  Symmetry is one of the things that the average person finds attractive.  If someone has one arm 6 inches longer than the other you think its wierd.  Symmetry is also an indicator of good genes.  Again potential mate.

  2. One of my college professors told us that since we evolved from monkeys, monkeys picked they're mates based on big butts, but as we evolved and became more erect the eye level rose to the chest area so females developed b*****s which look similar to butts with the cleavage.

    This probably isn't right, but it's one theory. haha.

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