
What is the scientific explanation why teens loves to watch p**n?

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What is the scientific explanation why teens loves to watch p**n?




  1. its hard to m********e to the food network

  2. they get it from they're friends

  3. You mean teen BOYS?

    Raging hormones.

    They want to s***w and they want to know how, and so they love watching other people getting it on.

    Thats the answer.

    They're all just horny little s***s.

  4. Because of the s*x hormones which starts functioning at the age of puberty changing the body as well as the way of thinking also.At this age adolescents attract with the opposite s*x n about s*x also.So to get the pleasure they watch blue films

  5. They are teens and they are horny

  6. curiosity

  7. hormones

  8. because they think it is fun and they are trying to have s*x and get other people to do it.

  9. A simple pendulum consists of an object suspended by a string from a fixed point.When displaced, and then released,the object will swing back and forth in a vertical plane under the influence of gravity.This periodic motion can be used as a basis for measuring time.

    The simple pendulum as shown in Diagram 1 is set in motion by releasing the object through a small angle of displacement, θ(10°to 15°)from the vertical.


    1) Set up a simple pendulum by attaching an object to a string of length 60cm.

    2) Set the pendulum in motion and measure the time taken, t s,for 20 complete oscillations.

    3) Calculate the period,Ts,that is the time taken for one complete oscillation.

    4) Repeat steps 1 to 3 using at least 10 different lengths of strings with the minimum length of 5 cm

    5) Record the readings in a suitable table.

    6) Plot a graph of period (Ts) against length (l cm).Comment on the graph obtained.

    7) The relationship between period and length is given as

    ,where g is the gravitational acceleration.

    a. Suggest at least two different pairs of variables for the horizontal and vertical axes to obtain a linear relation.For each pair,plot the graphs and draw lines of best fit manually and by using ICT.

    b. Estimate the gradient of each graph.Hence,write an equation relating period and length for each of the graphs.

    c. Use the gradient of each graph to determine the respective value of the gravitational acceleration,g ms-2.Comment on the values obtained.

    How do these values of g compare with the accepted value of g on earth(9.807 g ms-2).Calculate the percentage error for each of the value of g obtained.

    Explained the difference(if any).

    d. Use the graph with the least percentage error in g to determine the length of string that will produce a complete oscillation in 1 second.

    8) A simple pendulum can be used as a device to measure time.Describe how you can use it to measure your pulse rate.

    9) If the length of the string is 4 times its original length,state the change in the period,Ts.

    Further Exploration

    1) If a simple pendulum with a period of 1 second is set in motion on the moon,determine the new period of this pendulum.


    a. Investigate whether a simple pendulum will swing continuously in air.Explain your findings.

    Suggest the conditions required for a pendulum to swing continuously.

    b. If a pendulum is made to swing in water,compare the time taken for this pendulum to come to a complete stop with the time taken by a pendulum swinging in air.Explain the difference.

    3) Sketch graphs on the same scale to illustrate the motion of a simple pendulum swinging

    i. in air,

    ii. in water and

    iii. in vacuum.

    Compare and contrast the graphs

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