
What is the scientific name of the following?

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Polar bear, Indian lion, Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, Snowy owl, Condor, Olive Ridley turtle, Starred tortoise, Marine toad, Northern pike, Giant octopus and Praying mantis.




  1. Polar bear  =  Ursus maritimus

    Indian lion  =  Pantheo leo persica

    Bengal tiger  =  Panthera tigris bengalensis

    Indian lepard  =  Panthera pardus fusca

    Snowy owl  =  Bubo scandiacus

    Condor  =  Gymnogyps californianus

    Olive Ridley turtle  =  Lepidochelys olivacea

    Starred tortoise  =  Geochelone elegans

    Marine toad  =  Bufo marinus

    Northern pike  =  Esox lucius

    Giant octopus  =  Enteroctopus

    Praying mantis  =  Mantis religiosa

  2. polar bear - Ursus maritimus

    Indian tiger- Leo Tigris

    Indian leopard- Panthera pardus

    Snowy owl- Nyctea scandiaca

    Condor - Gymnogyps californianus.

    Olive ridley turtle- unsure, sorry.

    Marine toad- Bufo marinus

    Northern pike- Esox masquinongy

    Giant octopus- Octopus dofleini

    And unsure about the last one also

    Good luck with whatever it is you need them for.

  3. polarbear-Thalaractus martimus

    Indian lion- Panthera leo.

    Bengal tiger- Panthera tigris

    Indian leopard- Panthera pardus.

    Snowy owl- Nyctea scandiaca

    Conder- Vulture grypus

    Olive Ridley turtle- Lepidochelys olivacea

    Starred tortoise- Geochelone elegance

    Marine toad- Bufo marinus

    Northern pike- Esox lucinus

    Giant octopus- Octopus apollyon

    Praying mantis- Mantis religlosa

  4. Condor = Gymnogyps californianus.

    Olive ridley turtle= unsure, sorry.

    Indian lion=Pantheo leo persica

    Bengal tiger=Panthera tigris bengalensis

    oh sorry iam enable to give you all the names

  5. Polar Bear-Ursus maritimus

    Indian lion-Pantheo leo persica

    Bengal tiger-Panthera tigris bengalensis

    Indian lepard-Panthera pardus fusca

    Snowy owl-Bubo scandiacus

    Condor-Gymnogyps californianus

    Olive Ridley turtle-Lepidochelys olivacea

    Starred tortoise-Geochelone elegans

    Marine toad-Bufo marinus

    Northern pike-Esox lucius

    Giant octopus-Enteroctopus

    Praying mantis-Mantis religiosa

  6. Polar bear=Ursus maritimus

    Indian lion=Pantheo leo persica

    Bengal tiger=Panthera tigris bengalensis

    Indian lepard=Panthera pardus fusca

    Snowy owl=Bubo scandiacus

    Condor=Gymnogyps californianus

    Olive Ridley turtle=Lepidochelys olivacea

    Starred tortoise=Geochelone elegans

    Marine toad=Bufo marinus

    Northern pike=Esox lucius

    Giant octopus=Enteroctopus

    Praying mantis=Mantis religiosa

  7. Why not look them up on-line or in a (gasp) encyclopedia?

  8. I can not answer some of this, but still u please verify it from any web or encyclopedia.

  9. polar bear - Ursus maritimus

    indian lion - Panthera leo persica

    bengal tiger - Panthera tigris tigris

    indian leopard - Panthera pardus fusca

    snowy owl - Bubo scandiacus

    condor - Gymnogyps californianus

    olive ridley turtle - Lepidochelys olivacea

    starred tortoise -  Geochelone elegans

    marine toad - Bufora marinus

    northern pike - Esox Lucius

    giant octopus - Enteroctopus dofleini

    praying mantis - Mantis religiosa.

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