
What is the scientific origin of man according to Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

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please give me a short answer but a brief one.




  1. Basically the whole theory comes down to the genes that are the fittest are the ones that are here now and those that will be around in the future are those that are fittest to survive also.

  2. Adding to the 2 stupid answers and one good one:

    All living things are interrelated - if we go far back enough.

    HUMANS ARE NOT DECENDANTS OF APES. WE HAVE A COMMON ANCESTOR WITH APES (and for that matter, all living things).

    Cant you morons read?

  3. That through the process of natural selection life on earth evolved from a lower species of life.  There was no God or intelligent design involved in the process according to Chuck Darwin.

  4. Two stupid answers, Don't give up! We (hom sap) did not come from Apes but from Hominids.  Earliest from West chad carbon dated 7m years ago We (HS) some 150 000 years ago. (short but brief)

  5. we evolved from butterflies, which in turn evolved from peanut butter, which came from a banana milkshake, which evolved from a very primitive banana milkshake, which was the direct descendent of my pyjamas, which in turn were birthed from eavestroughs, which are the origin of all things.

    at least, that's my understanding of how Darwin explains it.

  6. a fish

  7. Just to correct a couple previous posts:

    Darwin never hid his religious beliefs- everyone knows he was a Christian (that's why he was aboard the HMS Beagle to begin with), but he also believed in evolution. More people should take Darwin's lead and realize that it's possible to believe in both a religion/creationism and evolution (even though I personally don't believe in a religion or creationism).

    And to correct a previous poster, we actually evolved from hominOIDS. Hominoids include all primates (of which we are) while hominIDS are solely humans.

  8. I am not sure he gave one apart from saying that we evolved from ape (ancestors) at some point in past

  9. Get Darwin`s book "The origin of the Species" . Read the forward to the book (also written by Darwin) . Near the end of the forward , which is only a few pages long , you will see what the "scientific origin of man " is according to Darwin .

    I hope you`re not shocked , or think this is a joke , but Darwin said he could see only one way for life to have appeared , and that was by being CREATED by GOD ! ............... it`s there ! read it !

    I await the usual "intelligent" responses from the evolutionist corner .

  10. Charles Darwin did, in fact, write about the origins of humans in The Descent of Man, a book published some years after The Origin of Species.

    Anyway, Darwin recognized our common ancestry with the **other** apes and was well aware that they were our closest relatives.  In fact, based on the biogeography of the apes (chimps, bonobos, and gorillas in Africa; gibbons, siamangs, and orangutans in Asia), Darwin hypothesized that our ancestry would likely be found in Africa.  So he was right on this one before there was much in the way of fossil evidence.

    Anyway, to correct just slightly some of the other posts... It isn't technically correct to say that we're closely related to the apes, because we actually *ARE* apes.  It would be like saying that ducks are closely related to birds.  Well... ducks ARE birds, so that sort of provides no information.  Now if you said that ducks were closely related to geese, then that's technically explicit enough to be helpful.  As to us, we're African apes at our origin, and so are most closely related to chimps + bonobos + gorillas, just as Darwin hypothesized.

    ...hope this helps!

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