
What is the scientific reasoning behind moving objects with the mind?

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if telekinesis was possible, what is the explanation behind it, other than its "magic"




  1. It's never been observed, so there is no valid way to scientifically explain it.

  2. scientific reasoning? there is none.


    gives a  rough 100W maximum energy use - mostly seems to be heat so not a lot of spare energy available for mysteriously moving things. gives more details on how the energy is obtained.

  4. There has never been a scientific explanation for the mind (or consciousness) and its physical connection with the rest of the human body and reality as a whole. About all we know for sure is the mind somehow uses the brain and its neurons to interact with the rest of our body with its sensory organs of touch, taste, smell, hearing, sight, balance, etc. and its methods of action using our muscles and neurons in the spinal column and limbs. The mind appears to be an entity of its own that operates the machine we call our body.

    Despite an abundance of electrical brainwave activity and PET scan measurements, there has never been any scientific explanation for the mind. The mind appears to arise spontaneously and begin to control the body somewhere between gestation and a few months after birth. Until the mind makes its presence known by asserting active control over the body, there are autonomic brain activities that keep the heart beating, the lungs and diaphragm working, the alimentary canal processing food, and numerous other things that occur, presumably, without any involvement of the conscious mind.

    It is conjectured that the mind has a conscious as well as a sub-conscious aspect, but to the best of my knowledge no one has scientifically demonstrated this to be true either. The mind may indeed be segmented and disjoint, with a conscious and one or more sub-conscious parts… it may even have two or more independent conscious elements that manifest as multiple personalities in the same individual. These are simply observations, none of which explain what the mind is, where it comes from, or how it interacts with our bodies.

    So, can the mind interact with things that are not a part of our bodies? Some people believe it can, through channels of thought and communication that cannot be detected with scientific investigation. In other words, if the mind can interact with our brain, perhaps it can interact with other aspects of reality too. If you have but the faith of grain of mustard seed, you can move a mountain according to the teachings of one religion. Other religions have similar examples.

    When I was a lot younger, I tried putting this to the test: to see if I could move anything external to my body with only my mind. Later I was told that this sort of mental activity is called “magical thinking”. In some cases it may appear that something happens simply as a result of conscious thought, but upon further investigation the cause-and-effect relationship is tenuous at best. And the results are usually not repeatable on demand. Maybe never repeatable on demand, but my interest turned to other, more practical, activities (like engineering) that are predictable and repeatable on demand.

    So, today, I try to keep an open mind about the mind. Maybe there are hidden channels of communication. Maybe they do connect us to a different, more complex, reality. Maybe the mind does survive death of the body. Lots of maybes, but little evidence to support such conjectures. Never mind, we all find out the truth eventually. Or not.

  5. scientific reasoning? There is none.


  6. converting brain waves (electrical force) into a force of kinetics is the only thing i can think of. They're already experimenting with this type of technology, although its not quite telekinesis. They can chart certain brain waves ( thoughts and commands) and apply them into computer programs or machines with the program, and the machines move. Its fascinating.

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