
What is the scope of the Indian Aviation industry after the Jet-Sahara issue?

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What is the scope of the Indian Aviation industry after the Jet-Sahara issue?




  1. Air passengers would be benefited, atleast on the face of it. Competition won't cut short due to this probable legalised cartel of carriers.

    But  Sahara need to find some saviour soon. Of its own it is difficult to get along for the airline.

    My feeling is that another drama is on the cards shortly. But this time with different results.

  2. it hardly makes any difference does it make to the aviation industry, with all these new airlines coming up and increasing number users it is not going to really matter. its the problems of the 2 airlines

  3. the two major indian aviation giants have now became an arch rivals. they will certainly reduce the tickets cost and the middle class will also get more chance to fly high with best on board facilities.

  4. as many allegations are coming up  as to  prevent sahara from getting bankrupt..Jet got into  this deal  becuase of this reason..

    as Shahara suffering from 5 cr loss everyday..

    and Kingfisher is also tried his hand over controlling stake in sahara.. but can't get into  it he finds the pricing too  high..which asked by Sahahra..

    so  jet came and got into  deal ..

    even submitted 500 cr in escrow account of ICIICi bank which can be accessed by Sahahra later on.. for thier revivial ..

    this can  happen ..

    let's see what's happnening in aviation corporate secotr..

    this not going to asffect aviation industry.. just think what happen f this deal get to  be happened..

    then  the combined enttiy will going to  control  the 55% marketshare.. which really ..results in M&A's in the space.. which just avoided.. due to  this spat..

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