
What is the search category for a type of greenery I am trying to research?

by  |  earlier

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I need to do a search on this vegetation/weed/green growth that is growing on the ravine across the street from my house. I am interested b/c it is very tight, very soft, very green, and doesn't seem to grow high at all. It looks like a putting green - so i am interested in cultivating this for my back yard. It is so low and tight it almost looks like fine moss but it has small leaves.




  1. If you can get a digital pic and post it here it would help.  Someone here might be able to identify it or you could take the pic ( or a sample of the plant ) to your local extension office.  They usually have master gardeners on staff who might be able to identify the plant for you.

  2. either of these?...

    irish moss...


    you might find it here...

    I'm not sending you into anything about weeds, because there's few that I know of that stay low to the ground... most want all the sun for themselves!!... *smile*............

  3. Try Horticulture - grasses or ground cover - moss type. I know what you are wanting, but I can't explain it right. Is there a local county extension agency in your area? They might be able to tell you what it is. Maybe you could ask the owner of the property. If it is public property, call whoever does the roadside maintenance in your area. Like Public Works?

  4. It's probably moss . And generally moss grows in shaded areas best , hence probably why it's growing in the ravine .

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