
What is the secret of lightning and thunder?

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What is the secret of lightning and thunder?




  1. Storm clouds gain electricity as they gain water. so they are charged with hundreds of thousands of volts of electricity. then, as warm air rising from the ground meets cold air falling from the clouds, the opposite charges connect sending a bolt of lightning to the ground. then, because the lightning bolt is hotter than the sun, it rapidly expands the air around the bolt and it goes flying off in every direction as thunder. the reason it "rolls" is because the bolt is not straight up and down. it is closer in some areas and farther in others. so, since the speed of sound is constant, all of the noises travel at the same speed, making it take longer for the ones that are farther away. how to count the distance is watch for a bolt of lightning and then count the seconds it takes for the thunder to reach you. for every five seconds, the storm is one mile away.

    By the way, I'm fifteen...

  2. If we told you, it wouldn't be a secret.

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