
What is the secret of your marriage?

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What keeps you and your spouse together? What gets you through times of crisis?




  1. Compromise, communication, and humor.  We've been through some tough times financially and it was great that we could at least laugh at our predicament and make fun of ourselves by saying we were going to put the car in neutral when we got to the hill on our street and coast down to the store to buy top ramen soups or the cheap mac and cheese!

  2. My Mum and dads been married over 25 yrs they always say that working opposite shifts is the secret so then they see each other the weekend and just after 9 0 clock each nite  

  3. We've been married for 27 yrs, together almost 30. We've been thru some really rough times over the yrs and there are several reasons why we didn't quit.

    ~He is my best friend and I am his. We have the deep sense of trust that long-time friends share, except we are also intimate...

    ~Great s*x is important. Even during the times we were fighting, the s*x was a way of staying connected and expressing love, appreciation and desire for each other...

    ~We are both lean and fit and still find each other very attractive...

    ~We feel genuine warmth and affection for each other and express it openly. We do kind and thoughful things for each other as a way of life...

    ~We have a "date night" - romantic alone-time helps keep the fire burning and the communication flowing...

    ~We enjoy each other's company. We'd rather do mundane things together than apart - things like making dinner, walking the dog, even cleaning out the garage!

    ~We both have our own friends, activities, interests. He takes a golf holiday with the boys and I have a group of women that hold an annual cottage weekend but we always take a "honeymoon" once a year.

    ~We have 4 beautiful children together and he has been a great dad. If I ever lose sight of his good side, I just have to look at the kind of relationship he has with his kids (all in their 20's now) and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. He thinks I have been an excellent mom too. Both of us feel that whatever might be wrong between us can't be so bad because if it was, we could never have built the strong family together that we have - our kids are close but independent. No other man will ever be the father of my children and no other woman will ever be the mother of his. We have "history" together and neither one of us is willing to throw away 27 years of the best part of our lives to take our chances on the unknown.

    I know what I have and he knows what he has. It's A LOT. It is precious.

    I think a lot of people don't make it thru crisis because when they are hurt, upset, etc. they only take inventory of their partner's bad points.

    In crisis is when my husband and I make lists of everything good and work from there. I guarantee that no matter how bad things get, each partner still has a beautiful side to them or else why did you marry them? Those who look for it find it.

    So I would say THAT is the secret - dig for diamonds in the dirt!  

  4. Communication, especially when things get tough. And laughter, he knows exactly how to make me laugh & I love it.  

  5. we talk and talk and talk and s*x is good too seriously though when we are mad we talk and I think that what keeps us together we don't fight much because we can talk to each other if he is mad or I am mad about anything we know we can pull the other a side and be like look I'm not liking how this is going and we will compromise. and we do find the time to spend time together we go out on dates take showers or baths together tmi I know but it's so good for us and since we have work and a 3 year old daughter it's important my friends think it's weird that we still call it dates because we are married but we like calling it a date because when you think about when you where dating you got all dressed up put your best foot forward so we can look forward to going out we even get dressed in different rooms so it's a surprise.  

  6. comunication, honesty and the willingness to be open to all ideas. not being affriad to work at keeping each other happy. you get the idea. i had heard on an interview ones were the question was asked to a couple who had been married for 84 yrs. when asked to the husband what keeps a good marriage for all these yrs. his repley was i have always just done what she has asked of me, simple consept but it worked.

  7. Lots of communication, never leaving doubts which lead to assuming and pretending. I don´t mean only communication with words, I get creative when I need to get my point accross by letters, emails, whatever works! And choosing a nice enviornment for talking is always a good idea, never chosing before going to work or late late at night. It depends on the couple, but it´s important to be relaxed, open and alert to pay more attention. Also negotiating everything. Marriage can be like a business sometimes and you need to get to middle points to make us both happy. It´s never fair to do something that´s going to make you upset or unhappy, it doesn´t make sense to do that! Everyone has the rights to be happy and in marriage, as lons as both are, things move along smoothly.

  8. Communication honesty respect trust


  9. s*x!

  10. I don't know. My wife never told me.

  11. Strong love, open communication and hot s*x.

  12. I still like the way my husband looks even after 29 years of marriage that's what keeps me coming back for more i don't know about anyone else.

  13. We have open communication about everything--our thoughts about ideas for in the bedroom, if we think some guy that walks by is buff or not, feelings about exes.  That's the secret.  But you can't be judgemental.  We reconnect with s*x.

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