
What is the secret to world peace?

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What is the secret to world peace?




  1. Caring about other's needs more than our own. But that will never happen.

  2. Unity is the best solution.  

  3. there is no secret,

    you must become the change you want to see,

    so just by being peaceful you promote peace!

  4. Harmony

  5. Equitable sharing of resources and restricting breeding to scientifically determined sustainable levels.  But humans are far too greedy and horny to adhere to that.  

  6. The answer is Aliens. Watch Independence day. The whole world united for a cause. To have total peace you need total war and destruction. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is the law. There has to be so much killing and bloodshed that people get tired of it. As of right now the world is working on global peace as we speak! Then the next generation comes along and guess what it has to be repeated. Peace only last for so long as does war. Just think of Earth as a middle ground between Heaven and h**l. Peace comes when your basically dead or ... torment.

  7. Stop making bombs and revert to archery &swordplay for tactical warfare, or you could try utilizing the concepts of acceptance & understanding, but sooner or later mankind will find a good excuse to fight. It's a shame we cannot be more civilized about it.

  8. there cant be world peace, i like to think of peace like a game of tag you can have it, or someone else can, not all of you can have it at once.  

  9. acceptance of peoples differences and the ability to forgive past wrongs

  10. Atomic bombs, kill everyone and if I am the only survivor ( for a few days) it will be who voted against my answer, obviously have no sense of humor.  Hello it was a joke, get off your seriously high horse and come down here with us common folk.

  11. The problem is that nobody know the secret.

    If everyone know the secret to world peace, it would have been achieve a long time ago.

  12. World peace undermines the very nature of man.  Man is naturally a greedy individual which must be in complete control.  Yet world peace can be achieved by the movement of the weak to the strong, or communism as it is called.

  13. a non-corrupt communist government would work, but that is the reason communism doesn't work (only works on paper)

    there will never be world peace because there will always be non-peaceful people and if you think you can kill all those people then that means the people tht killed them aren;t peacefull so you are back to square one

  14. Love and Honesty..

    No corruption, dirty business that will lead to mistrust the government. Not deceiving their citizens by selfish schemes. Promoting creativity that will encourage prosperity, improving industry. Keeping cleanliness too in surroundngs to avoid sickness and establishing foundations that will unite humanity.

  15. No people...

    and no animals...

    microorganisms kinda fight so no microorganisms either...

    now that I think about it, no life...

    No one around to think about the utter chaos of the universe means no one to get pissed off at the chaos...

    No universe...

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