
What is the secrets?

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what is the secret of getting pregnant?after 15 months of trying ,no success




  1. Your doctor can help.

    Or, just keep trying and trying.

    Unless you can't have children, it'll happen eventually.

    Your body is smart, and so it probably knows that at this point in time it can't handle a baby.

    Are you underweight?

  2. Some people just have a difficult time conceiving. Have s*x every other day to keep your husbands sperm count higher. Water kills sperm and so does saliva. Take a prenatal to help prepare your body even if you don't concieve right away the extra vitiamins won't hurt you. It took us almost  six years but now I'm 22 weeks with a boy. You can go to your Doctor and have tests done to make sure everything is ok. Most problems can be treated. Have your husbands sperm checked as well. If the count is too low there are things that can be done for him as well. Try not to lose hope. I know that it is very frustrating. I remember that feeling and never will forget it. I hope it happens for you soon. Good luck.

  3. when you find out let me know!1

  4. head to your OB and he can put you on meds to help
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