
What is the sequence of hominids leading up to homo sapiens?

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im crammin for a ancient history test... help!

can you give me a link or something or just a list of the hominids leading up to homo sapiens!




  1. Here is a family tree in detail but a bit confusing:

    Here is another more clear and made by Donald Johansen, the discoverer of the Lucy skeleton:

    A quick list:

    Ardipithicus ramidus

    Austrolopithicus afarensis (A. africanus lead to another branch that are not ancestors of Homo sapiens)

    Homo habilis

    Homo erectus

    Homo heidelbergensis

    Homo sapiens

    H. habilis and H. erectus are often split into other species but since you are cramming for a test if your teacher calls you on it claim you are a lumper not a splitter and you believe H. rudolfensis and H. ergaster are nothing more than H. habilis and H. erectus populations (respectivly) that left Africa and since they would have been capable of inter-breeding do not justify seperate species.

  2. I too am studying for a World history test...found the book beside me hope this helps, just a brief summary of the order.

    The earliest known hominid was Homo Habilis, "person with ability" who lived about 1.5 million years ago, next washomo erectus "person who walks upright" -who was in turn followed between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago by homo sapiens "person who thinks"

    Best of luck!

  3. There is no proof of any direct link with any of these ape's already mentioned, in fact there is no proof that any species is linked to any other. It seems that Homo Sapien just appeared on earth the same way as all life did, and when we become extinct the niche we leave behind will be filled by another species.

  4. Keep in mind that this succession is quite messy and is still being researched and refined (or in some cases, changed entirely):

    Orrorin tugenensis (? - possibly first known hominid)

    Ardipithicus ramidus

    Australopithecus anamensis

    Australopithecus afarensis

    Australopithecus africanus

    Homo rudolfensis

    Homo habilis

    Homo ergaster

    Homo antecessor

    Homo heidelbergensis

    Homo sapiens

    There are other species involved, but some of them (ie H. neanderthalensis) were lineages that died out.  Some listed above may have actually died out, as well.  The genus Homo started evolving like crazy for a while.

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