
What is the shortest international or domestic flight for which a 747 is used?

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What is the shortest international or domestic flight for which a 747 is used?




  1. Most likely it would be on a connecting flight that has a stopover enroute to a much more distant destination. For example, Air France flies to Ho Chi Minh City with a stopover in Bangkok in both directions, Bangkok is only about an hour from Ho Chi Minh City by air on a 747. I believe that Japan Airlines also uses 747's for certain domestic flights within Japan. No offense to your first answer, but I live in Bangkok and Thai Airways does not even fly to Pattaya from Bangkok, much less use a 747.

  2. I know that from Bangkok to Pattaya (in Thailand) a flight time of about 55 minutes, a 747 is used by Thai Airlines for teh flight that leaves at about 3:30 from Suwarnabhimi Airport. Donno about other routes though.

  3. Air New Zealand and Qantas travel between Auckland and Sydney, and a couple of other cities everyday, which is only a 3 hour flight.

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