
What is the shortest song on your mp3 player (or in iTunes)?

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What is the shortest song on your mp3 player (or in iTunes)?




  1. "Miracle Cure" by The Who, it's only 0:12 lol.

  2. Technically "Ite, missa est" by Tarja Turunen, an intro to a song.

  3. Stand By Me - Bo Bice 1:50

  4. i kissed a girl  and i liked it  lol thats the song thats the shortes

  5. "Mission Impossible" by Danny Elfman, with a whopping time of 1:03!

  6. i don't know about itunes, but on my ipod it's relient k's crayons can melt on us for all i care.  

  7. Pink Floyd - Stop

    the longest song is

    Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother

  8. Family Reunion- Blink 182 35 Secs

    Longest is free bird at 9:10

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