
What is the shortest time frame in adopting a child?

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We wan't to adopt a child ...Just wanted t know what can be the SHORTEST time to have a that child live with you?




  1. not long enought. I have read so much were birth moms and father are either not informed or talked into putting the child up for adoption. I know it takes longer to have a child returned after a failed adoption than to adopt.

  2. In Oregon, I believe it's a year.  I'm not sure if it's different state by state.  We will be having monthly home visits for the first 12 months, and after that, we should be able to finalize the adoption.

  3. a few months or if you do foster care & your homestudy is completed

  4. For my first one we started the process Jul 3 and had her in the home 6 weeks later.  (Ontario)

    For this last one we started Sept 6, were approved 10 Jan, licensed 18 Feb and 3.5 hours later had her in the home.  (Alberta foster to adopt)

  5. How long is a piece of string.  It takes as long as it takes I guess, just try to be patient with the necessary procedures that need to be followed

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