
What is the shortest way to go by bus to El Salvador from Phoenix?

by Guest60495  |  earlier

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I thought about going to Guatemala and then getting a ride but the bus does not go to El Salvador. I need routes or specific places to go to. A plane is out of the question!




  1. Sneak under fence into Mexico.

    There is a train you can jump that runs to Mexico city.

    After that a lot of walking.

    This may help:

    Also try this:

    Sheriff’s detention officers have turned over 15,900 illegal immigrants to Immigration authorities for deportation.

    Act illegal for a free trip.

    As for name calling, you are an idiot for not being able to figure it out.

    You cannot use Goggle or Yahoo!

    Go figure who the dumb *** is.

    Report that!

  2. Try Greyhound.

  3. .  I think i took that bus.  You can take local buses that will get you all the way.  They stop at every little town and they sometimes carry chickens but you can make it.  3 days of travel.  Have lots of local currency for the drivers.  Just keep heading south.   The bus goes direct to Mexico City  ( refer to it as Districto Federal) then you start going slow.

  4. Commit a crime and Sheriff Joe will deport you for free.

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