
What is the significance of having duplicated signs in the houses?

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Libra--1st and 12th, Aries--6th and 7th.





  1. The traditional astrologers never really gave them much significance.It just means that both your 1 and 12 are affected by libra and both your 6 and 7 are affected by aries.The houses are measured differently than the signs.All 12 of the signs are still their,they simply show up on more than one house cusp.

  2. Hi RachStar

    Quite an interesting placement and just to note that when a sign occupies 2 houses, it is very significant. Your attitude towards duty, the way you handle your daily habits, your problem solving skills, as well as your health are all connected with your ability to integrate with others.

    Conversely, the way you handle relationships (Libra) and the fulfillment from them, can affect the job you do, how you feel, and the complexity of problems you face that need a resolution.

    This is due to the 6th & 7th house opposite your 12th & 1st.

    You can worry yourself to a point of getting sick when relationships are not satisfying. Often, I have had some clients complain about upset stomach or headache if they had an argument with their partner in the morning. This can be different for others but generally, it occurs often with that configuration.

    Health issues, real or imagined, are some of your concerns abd with the 12th & 1st house opposite, YOU are or can be your own worst enemy. You need to have more fait in yourself as a person and don't expect everyone to appreciate or like you. It won't happen which accounts for little blow-ups at time (short fused temper).

    It's important that you bring your past forward into a conscious understanding in order to make your future brighter. That is how you will accumulate wisdom, improve your self-image, do good work and be of service to others.

    One final note. Libra in 12th gives good musical ability and with Aries present, a good voice usually.

    Frank Sinatra had this configuration but in the opposite houses as compared to yours. probably have Taurus / Scorpio interecepted inyourchart.  Correct ? That is another interpretation to add if that is the case.

    Edit...Rachstar, if you hae sign on both houses, than, usually your Ascendant will have Libra rising, complete signof Scorpio rising and part of Sagittarius in 1st house.

    Do you have Sagittarius onthe 2nd cusp ? If yes, than Scorpio and taurus are interecepted and i can give you a reading on that.

    Fair enough .

    edit....You have capricorn and cancer intercepted in the 3rd-9th house axis. As promised, i will give a short explanation of this interception. you also have Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Neptune intercepted.

    You should take note of these 2 houses Rachstar when planets transit in them, especially the Moon. If is coincides with any of the other intercepted planets at the same time, you can expect some positive flow of energy.

    Cancer/Capricorn intercepted. Have you ever stood in the middle of the floor with your arms wrapped around your lover only to find that you both are rocking to and fro? Try it....Let me know how secured you felt.

    You need to have a safe place that gives you comfort. Perhaps it is your domestic haven, a room, a special chair etc...., evenyour desk, your office , work place. It is a tender area where you canfeel pain, sorrow, even happiness. That is where you need your security so that you can go out into the world more comfortable and meet the challenges of the outside world which is where you experience and develop your Capricorn urges.

    Capricorn is an extension of Cancer.  In a way, we take our Cancer shell of protection with us because Capricorn is where we stake out outer territory in as small or large a zone as you feel comfortable operating in. You may be hihgly ambitious or just content to carefully guard whatever you have.

    Cancer intercepted gives a strong need for emotional security which may have been missing in childhood and sought in a private corner of the house, the neighborhood etc.... You may have grown up to be unable to trust anyone RachStar. There may be issues with your mother or female guardian. You may have had to share a room, or come from a broken or foster home. I don't know but these are all posiibilities with these two signs intercepted.

    With Moon intercepted, you will likely keep your feelings shielded inside which intensifies them. There is a feeling of being exposed and vulnerable to hurt, ridicule and misuse.

    In 9th house, this deals with homeland, in-laws and this is probably where you seek to find security which is difficult until you begin to realize why you react the way you do.

    Jupiter intercepted, your natural sense of optimism and expansion are internalized. You lack trust in yourself or have overcomed it with time. You may feel unlucky or that 'others get the lucky break' type of attitude. You may feel reluctant to offer suggestions for fear of feeling that others are smarter than you.

    This may push or has pushed you to study more, write longer essays, do more research, more studying because of this. In time, this will not have beed done in vain.

    Saturn intercepted in 3th shows the area where you will be learning the principle of responsibility and duty. You are very reserved for fear of being misunderstood.

    You have a deep mind, serious, but easily depressed. You tend to look on the dark side of things.  It will take time for you to understand what responsibility you should be taking and how you should go about it.

    With Saturn, you may drive relentlessly for success and never be satisfied with any level of achievement. If you diversify your life, you may be able to keep going indefinitely gaining momentum with each challenge. Learn to relax or you will experience periods of exhaustion eventually.

    Saturn in Capricorn may hinder or cause knee troubles or the bones as this is ruled by Saturn. Rheumatism of the joints is where you will feel the most pain later in life, weak knees. Mars / Libra wil give kidney problems or lumbago.

    edit...Rachstar, I have not gone too deep as their it too much to do. Uranus and Neptune are also intercepted in the chart.

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