
What is the significance of having your sun signs ruling planet in your lovers sun sign.?

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Specificaly if your an Aquarius which is ruled by Uranius and your Uranius is in Libra which is your partners sun sign




  1. that is so cool.   I am an aquarius and my uranus is in scorpio and my husband is a scorpio so I wondered that myself :)  It doesn't work the other way around though...his ruling planet mars is in least it's an air sign haha!     Good question......

  2. I'm a Virgo...  I have Mercury in Virgo.  My boyfriend is Virgo with his Mercury in Virgo.

  3. Let me break it down like this start shopping for a wedding cake or a nice comfy pad for your lovely Libra , but don't forget to check if it falls in your house of marriage then that's really amazing ! My Sun is Leo and my Sun opposition is Aquarius. However I married three  Aqaurians because my Uranus was in the 7th house. The house of marriage and partnership. But they started and ended quickly yours is more favorable for a long term with your Libra and you will probably get on well with Libras well throughout your lifetime. Venus and Moon are very important to check as well because if there is a problem there Venus is love and Moon are emotions...also Mars but that is s*x the others are more important for a long term compatibility. Why don't you get his birth-date and get an exact synastry chart they can match it up.  But I stopped doing that. It was like reading a book and then living it. Oddly it was always right.

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