
What is the significance of the location Middle East?

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does the middle east have a history?




  1. why don't you research on wiki, josh? hahahaha. ambut. what the h**l is significance?.. i wrote something about india and nepal that's like.. it's located in the himalayas and stuff.. and maldives has a beach or something. and it gives them tourism so it's for their economy. ambut uy. ask mr. tolentino.

    maybe since yours and paolo's is middle east, talk about the oil. hahahaha. and the like.. sand! dunes.

  2. The significance is that supposedly, whether you believe in science or religion, this one area of the world seems to be the central point where we, as human beings, began.

    The climate is varied.

    You have to define your interpretation of "successful" before I can answer that.

    Their religion varies, but is heavily Muslim.  (lots of Christians in Lebanon, Jews in Israel, etc. etc.)

    There are many languages spoken there.

  3. The Middle East is the center of the world and one of most geostrategic places of the world. Judaism, Christianity and Islam were first originated in that region, also the region comprised great civilizations such as the Ancient Egyptian Civilization and the Mesopotamians Civilizations which approximately hepled the humanity in most fields (science, food, music, agriculture, religion, philosophy, ........................................... The region is formed of 16 countries: Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Cyprus, iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE (Emirates), Oman, Yemen.

    Climate: Middle East: has Dry Hot Summers and Cold Rainy Winters, and its even snowy in Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Cyprus,iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia.

    Most Successful Countries are Turkey, Iran and Egypt the three of them are the major powers of the region. (without details).

    Religion: 15 countries in the Middle East out of 16 are Muslim Contries, while Cyprus is the only christian one. However, their are christians, jews and athiests in these countries as well.

    Language: the region is very diverse: in Iran the language is Persian, in Egypt its Egyptian Arabic and Egyptian Language (Heiroglyphic), in Turkey its Turkish, in Cyprus its Greek, and in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE (Emirates), Oman and Yemen they speak Arabic.

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