
What is the significance of the orange box, some seem to have?

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What is the significance of the orange box, some seem to have?




  1. This is my freebie for spending time in YAP! =))

    It says Top Contributor. That means the Orangier contributes a lot to the section, may it be answers or questions. It is meant to fuel our interest in spending more time in Yahoo Answers. It was never intended to spawn discord among its users. There's nothing really to it. Just an orange thing. No money, no fame (since you use an avatar and an alias), sometimes not even respect.

  2. It was originally conceived by Yahoo as a token of appreciation for the receiver. It indicated that the person had contributed much to their particular forum by providing good answers but like all good things it has deteriorated to nothingness due to the fact that some users have many accounts and they use these accounts to award Best Answers to their loyal followers these same followers then turn a blind eye and "don't see the cheating that is going on." This does not necessarily apply to those who have answered above me.  

  3. This is our Red Badge of Courage.

    Congressional Medal of Honor.  Medal of Valor.   For Heroic Acts Beyond the Call of Duty.

    This is my .....  pants.

  4. The only significance to the orange box is it shows how much time and diligence you spent in asking/answering questions. The above answerer's right, there is no monetary equivalent to such an award but it has sparked a world (word) war inside YAP.  

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