
What is the significance or the male femal and masculine\feminine duality in nature?

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yes Rose, I agree with you but there is a male\female, masculine\feminine duality in humans and there are unique qualities and traits associated with each...

I don't have any conclusions on this, I just wan to hear your opinions.




  1. Duality causes people to become victims of displaced intellect, too much into contest and not enough into construction.  It causes us to become lords of canceled-out nothingness.  See the first half of the film "Zietgeist" to learn more about the moon/sun primitive origins of the human concept of duality or dichotomy.  The second half of the film is about a conspiracy theory which I haven't viewed but the first part is excellent related to objectively explaining our duality cognitive misunderstanding of nature.

    Duality doesn't actually exist.  It is a human construct that serves to support oppositional dichotomies that arose in early human societies related to territorial battles with neighbors over food and females, out of which rose Master / Slave societes based on justifications for enslaving and plundering others.  See Neitzche.  The Master / Slave paradigm is maintained especially through religions and the animal husbandry of humans by rulers through dichotomy (good/evil, heaven/h**l, superior/inferior, dominator moralities /submissive moralities), intolerance and maintained ignorance of nature.  The pre-Post Modern Social Consciousness stage of Master / Slave duality construct, although waning in our governments through the rise of humanism, lingers within the courtship / marriage / and family institution between men and women.  Femininity and masculinity are merely subjective duality concepts imposed through acculturations and vary from culture to culture and period to period within each culture.  

    For example, our human construct of Yin Yang as oppositional is false.  The reality of the Yin Yang shape from which the imposed oppositional construct arose is not at all dichotomous but a continuous connected natural movement of the earth's rotation.  The Yin Yang shape is formed by setting an eight foot pole in the ground and marking the shadow it casts at noon every day for a year, which creates the "tadpole" shape and is matched by the same shape in the area that the pole never casts a shadow in.  If we operated conceptually off the natural truth of that non-dichotomous construction, we'd be better off.  Post-modern social consciousness is an enlightenment above false irrational duality concepts into pluralistic rational weaving nature-based concepts of maintaining individuality within a harmonious society rather than oppositional group identification and destruction of "enemies", Them vs Us.

    Primitive Oppositional Duality:


    Pluralistic / Humanistic / Post Modern / Social Weaving:

    Although men have traditionally had to function in an oppositional duality deconstruction paradigm with roles related to hunting, warring, competition, plunder, etc. in the course of our species' rise and survival, women have had greater opportunity to practice constructive social "weaving" as keepers of families and within our manual arts / past-times.  As science allows us to better understand the world around us and increasingly live with greater health and prosperity, we now know that duality does not exist and instead nature is a weave and that chaos patterns are not dichotomous.  Computer science, for example, although based in binary language, advances now along organic algorithms broaching on natural chaos patterns. Here is a lovely time lapsed series of high altitude photos of a storm, for example, as it evolves in a natural chaos pattern.

    Simply learning how to construct with needlecrafts, weaving, looming, tatting, lace-making, cooking and bringing ingredients together into harmony, etc. predisposes women to perceive these natural weaves better than men in general can with their past-times spent generally on duality/deconstruction such as chess and football.  Women's historical/traditional family building-skills and roles and socially constructive weaving acculturated skills may be why girls are doing so much better than boys in school in Post Modern societies where we now have a globally entwined / woven economy and a world paradigm in which oppositional conquest is not as valuable as mutual support.

  2. I believe that insisting on sameness between genders, and, insisting that the world be looked at through feminist eyes at all costs, has crushed romance, created a false sense of need in many women, and bludgeoned creativity in relationships.  

    Identity politics believes in the self, and at some level, can never be satisfied because of this.

  3. It's interesting when you examine different species of animals because each species have dual male and female traits/behaviours which are very different from other species.  

  4. ummm............

    You mean like females are often larger and the dominate ones in the majority of species?

    or that out of species that can change s*x...most can only go male to female never back?

    or is that the opposite point you were hoping to make?

    Food for thought...Humans have somehow managed to rise above basic instincts, there for we have higher standard then a spider or toad.  So why do we go look they do it must be ok for us?

  5. The physical universe is a manifestation of the illusion of duality. Male and female are part of this duality from which life emerges. Both are necessary for sexual reproduction on a physical level, but there are archetypal feminine and masculine as well. These psychological forces are part of the alchemy of life. While we are genitally male or female (with a small but significant group of intersex people), we are cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually both male and female. Furthermore, we all possess the light and shadow side of these gendered archetypes. It is through fully integrating both the feminine and masculine within that we are able to achieve wholeness and to live authentic lives. The transcendent is both genderless and androgynous simultaneously. As we evolve, we move toward greater androgyny, if not in body, then in spirit and mind. Hopefully we will choose to manifest the higher side of both our maleness and our femaleness. I believe that the continued existence of our species depends on it.  

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