
What is the significance to the Bush presidency that June was the worst month on Wall St. since the Depression

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  1. The significance is that according to the strictest interpretation of the very specific economic definition of the word "recession", we are not in one.

    There...feel better now?

  2. The significance? He's been saddled with a do-nothing Congress for 4 years. And back in the days (1996) when Congress DID do something about the need to drill for oil, Bill Clinton vetoed it. If Obama is elected, I'm sure we'll "magically" see OPEC loosen its grip on the oil supply, and our economy will look so much better for a time that we won't even mind when he raises taxes as he has promised to do.

    I was told it was the worst month since 2001. Was that the depression to which you referred?

  3. How is that Bush's fault?

    Although people would like to blaim it on him, the slow economy we currently have is not Bush's fault.

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