
What is the signifigance of Panna Bottled water?

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I'm doing a study on bottled water like aquafina and dasani...turns out that the source 1000 of bottled water in north america comes directly from your munciple water source(tap).

Panna is from italy, is it just their tap water?




  1. i never even heard of this wow thats cool

  2. never heard of that

  3. Panna Bottled Water-

    Since 1927, Acqua Panna takes its name from the famous Villa Panna in the hills of Tuscany, where the water was first discovered.

    Go here:

  4. There are no additonal health giving properties that bottled water have over tap water. In fact accross Europe and the USA drinking water from taps is scrutinised constantly by statute.  Tap water has plenty of minerals in it.

    My main concern in environmental Water bottlers take a commodity which costs almost nothing, they put it into glass or plastic bottles, use precious fuel to ship it all over the world and then charge a fortune for it. It is an environmental scandal which no-one seems to have picked up on. They should have a sachet of dehydrated mineral water which can be rehydrated from the tap LOL.

    In Buxton, Derbyshire, you can take a container and fill up from the spring in the street for free. Yet it is a world wide brand and money earner for Nestle. What nonsense!!

    Why do people fall for this sort of thing??

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