
What is the similarity between the kneejerk reactionary call to "DRILL! DRILL! DRILL!" and George W. bush...

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...attacking Iraq (which never did a thing to America and had nothing to do with the terrorist attack of 9/11. That was Saudis.)

How are these two bad ideas similar?




  1. They are both related to an expansion of Bush's oil empire, as witnessed by the sweetheart non competitive contracts imposed for Iraqi oil.rights, by American oil companies

  2. It's funny really that when Bush 1 attacked Iraq the price of oil doubled.

    Then Bush 2 invaded Iraq and set up occupation oil sky rocketed.

    There are many places Big Oil can drill.  But they want even less environmental regulation and they want more subsidies above their record profits.

    Oil drilling. especially in the oceans doesn't need to be so dirty.  Big Oil just wants profit with no need to improve its cleanliness.  We are at a technological high point today yet Big Oil is regressive in its operations.

    Perhaps we should look to Norway; a country which claims much cleaner off-shore drilling.  Big Oil could lease their technologies, perhaps.  Or, maybe we should allow Norway to drill cleanly here.

    Big Oil is raping the environment in Alberta, Canada.  What a mess.  Rivers of clean water are heated o steam using natural gas.  This is a huge waste of natural gas - about 50% of Canada's usage and the water could be recycled.  But this is not happening and lakes are becoming poisoned as shown by two headed fish and a giant jump in cancers on native communities reliant upon fish in these lakes.

    Big Oil gets away with murder.  They have proved over and over that they need tight regulation.  Should a Big Oil company threaten to leave than there are many smaller companies ready to fil their shoes.   Don't fall for Big Oil threats.

  3. the American peoples now   know  that the BUSH administration invaded Iraq only for it oil .now BUSH  is giving this oil to the big oil companies for their own personal gain.

  4. We are in a scary position right now.

    We can go in such a wrong direction at this moment in our history.

    If we drill, we are despoiling our own wilderness, and it WILL NOT take down the price of gasoline.

    We have to think this one through, and not yield to immediate gratification.

    All jumpstarts and quick bandaid fixes are dangerous now.

  5. Lies. Lies got us into Iraq and lies are being used to push for more drilling.

  6. If drilling were the answer why isn't big oil already drilling in the 60 million + acres of federal oil leases they already have?

  7. Both rely on dishonest arguments to support their conclusion (and as Bertrand Russel and Alfred Whitehead proved in 'Principia Mathematica', if you begin with false assumptions, then the argument is logically false).

    Both have as part of their aim gifting Oil/Gas companies that contribute heavily to Republicans by a 4-to-1 margin.

    It's sad there is so little integrity within the GOP leadership.  It makes the honest Republicans look bad.

  8. Support for the oil corps.  

    Exxon Mobil, Shell, Total and BP — the original partners in the Iraq Petroleum Company — along with Chevron and a number of smaller oil companies, are in talks with Iraq’s Oil Ministry for no-bid contracts to service Iraq’s largest fields, according to ministry officials, oil company officials and an American diplomat.

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