
What is the simple n genuine way to make money thru net in India by any layman?

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What is the simple n genuine way to make money thru net in India by any layman?




  1. Many people will make lots of promises, spam you with lots of links to things they got into, but the question really isn't that easy to answer.

    There are some good companies out there that will, in earnest, make you money.  Are they simple?????  That's a no, yes answer.  Maybe not simple when you first start out, but most people can learn.

    Now, yes, it is simple to spam a link, like many do, but not so simple to actually get someone to join you other than out of desperation or, excuse the term, ignorance in the knowledge of how all this internet business really works.

    Also, some will recommend something that is not even valid for your country.  It will be up to you to investigate that option and make sure your country is listed.

    If you'd like to learn more about how to recognize a good opportunity, how to search on your own, I've included a link in the resource section which is the only place we are technically allowed to post links... according to the TOS of Answers.  If there is anything else I can help you with, feel free to contact me.

  2. Hey Raj - Check my proof of earnings blog here:


    It has many proof of payments that I have made from the comapnies that have paid me. You should find something there you can earn decent money from. Good luck.

  3. lay person...? thats like a monk or somthing?

    i dunno... go to a call center?

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