
What is the simplest way we could do to prevent global warming?

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What is the simplest way we could do to prevent global warming?




  1. Don't use electricity when unneceray, ride your bike everywhere

  2. I don't know, but I am curious as to why the only people on the planet who are in denial about global warming are Republicans.

  3. Recycle or turn off lights when not in use oruse less water in the shower. These will all lower your water/electricity bill & in the long run full cost of anything you recycle. And it only needs a thought and a minute to act. It's not difficult at all.

    Recyle: recycle paper, plastic and aluminum as needed and buy products with a Green seal or label

    Reuse: use reusable cups instead of bottles to recycle or throw away

    Reduce: don;t use as much energy, electricity or water. It will lower you bills and your impact and it dosen't have to e anything drastic

    Refuse: don't buy as much stuff that you kow you won't use or won't last long. In an affluent country like the US this would help a lot

    Thats about as simple as it gets.

    Using the 4 R's means less CO2 emmited from the manufacture of what you just recycled/reused/reduced/. (Refused means discouraging & lessening high demand for products and les maufacture of such products especially if you buy environmentally friendly products instead).

    So go home today and turn off the computer when you go to take a shower or eat. Turn off the lights after you are done using the kitchen despite the fact that you might enter it an hour or two later. People smetimes don't realize that it realize is simple acts that help. If EVERYBODY did this instead of everybody thinking they can do nothing then perhaphs we wouldn't have all of these consequences to solve.

    PS: also buy fluorescent light bulbs next time you are buying light bulbs. They save energy becasue they use a chemical reaction to create light and use very littel energy!

    PPS: seakment, I know what your talking about. It is called the CAT car or Compressed Air Transmission car. It is also very inexpensive but it runs pretty slowly and you are also right about it being unappealing (depends on taste) but it definitely does help lessen your impact on global warming very much. There are several different types.

  4. stop petrol in cars but all the big oil companys buy the little hydro cars out of buissness thats the problem.

  5. ride bikes,  car pool, turn off unnecessarry lights and water, plant a flower, maybe go for the tree!! ;D

    ooo and bring canvas bags to shop not plastic bags

    also recycle whenever possible!!

  6. your a lot late= Global Warming has been in progress for over 38 years, but to delete what it needs is everyone. THIS means people need to form groups, like neighborhoods, schools, churches groups to start a salvage company to extract the loose sand in the oceans and collect the treasures that the sands of time thats never been touched by human hands for as long as Earth has had man. what treasures are found are corrosion free because the sands of time have protected them from the saltwater, gold, silver artifacts atlantis or what-ever and at the same time help to find certain locations to place in the ocean a certain mineral extracted to allow nature to return to normal naturally. this takes people of all walks of life to pitch in and work together as a team or parish. have a nice day.   mike

  7. be informed as always, and always find alternative in everything that you do. make life simpler by not depending on machines so much. and be open minded.

  8. not driving cars!!!

  9. realize it's a cycle.

  10. wait till the media starts telling us it isnt happening afterall

  11. i think its to late for that its already started. i think we can slow it down in away by changing our lives a little like i have. about a year and a half ago i bought those lights that save energy for all my house. i dont use paper cups or plates any more unless for a party. i recycle every week from newspaper to shampoo and juice plastics.i know i could do more and i will eventually. but some people are doing nothing. oh and im moving an hour and a half away from my home so that my husband doesnt have to drive 3 hours everyday and that will save us 300 a week just imagine how much polution it will take away.

  12. Put your seatbelt on - then start the engine.

    Not the other way round.

    If everybody did this would save thousands of gallons of fuel.

  13. Since it's caused by CO2, the simplest thing any concerned citizen can do it stop breathing. We'd all be better off if Al Gore and his disciples would lead by example.

  14. Human caused "global warming" is bs. Nothing you can do will make any difference at all. Those stupid fluorescent bulbs have mercury in them. Al Gore recently admitted to "exaggerating" to make a point. For the translation this is LYING to the rest of us. Try exaggerating on a witness stand and see what happens.

  15. Replace coal, gas, and oil fired electric power plants with nuclear plants.

  16. Get Al Bore oh I mean Gore to shut is lying mouth.

  17. In france and Australia, two different scientists have invented two different types of cars that run on..... AIR.. As it runs on air, it produces cleaner, cooler air. Go to youtube and search for it, it won't let me copy and paste the link at the moment. just search for Air Car, it's ugly but i'd drive it.

  18. the burning of CO2 or fossil fuels if only we could use spirits, wine, beer, mixed with manure food waste and slaughter house all brewed together with methane we would be all good! it saves! im telling you!!!Sweden does it!








  20. create a gigantic sun roof shielding the entire earth from the sun for a couple more hours per day :D

  21. more nuclear power plants.. and a lot of hybrid autos and solar powered auto and all battery power..

  22. i think kill bush

    works out good for me

    haha just kidding

    i guess


    could start using other fuels that arent destroying the ozone layer

    have another volcano erupition

    that actually helps

    the smoke goes in the air

    and blocks the sun for a while

    like YEARS WHILE


    but still

    can we go with my first plan?

  23. Nothing, because it's probably not caused by humans and the earth goes through cycles like this all the time.  Just about 40 years ago we were worried about global cooling.  Shows how much that turned out to be true.

  24. carpool, turning off lights when not necessary, DON'T BREATHE! etcetera

  25. the simplest and fastest way would be a drastic reduction in world population.

    Mass execution would allow us to use the remains to make animal feed from the corpses to feed cattle etc.

    The solution fits your question if you don't like the answer re-phrase the question.

    Here are some slower acting methods.

    - Ban on the use of non-renewable energy as fuel.

    - Demolition of Power station and development renewable power.

    - Forestation

    - Use of biodegradeable, recycleable products for furniture, packaging, consumer goods materials.

    - Raise the quality of manufacturing so products had longer statuatory gaurantees preventing the unnecessary disposal of mass quantities of designed for obsolence products.

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