
What is the simpliest birthday party for a 2year old boy?

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I'm planning to have a birthday party for my son in a month from now but i can't afford to rent or get a place to celebrate. We only have a few friends that we can invite but i only want the simpliest way to do it. We don't have enough space to accomodate guests at home either. Any advise is highly appreciated.




  1. Go some place like Pizza Hut.  We did one year.  We spent maybe $20 on a couple pizzas, drinks were free for our croud and all we had to pay was for the food.  Our local place even had a room they put us in for ourselves.  We also had it at an ice cream parlor once.  We bought some ice cream to go with the cake & brought our own drinks.  It's free at any restaurant really.

  2. THEME IT!! i have a little toddler brother and its whatever the lil dude likes. if he like cars, u can get little paper plates and napkins with car themes. and a lil cake with a pikture of whatever on it...spiderman, spongebob, car...whatever the kid likes. simple and colorful does the trick with toddlers =)

  3. Chuck E. Cheese's

    They have these coupons on line where you buy a large pizza and you get coins to play and 4 or 5 cups  can get like three or four orders of that and then just bring your own cake. The kids will have fun and enjoy themselves. Plus you don't have to prepare or pick anything up just grab the gifts and go home. Make sure you get the on line coupons or else it can get expensive.

    Good luck and hope you have fun.

  4. Take him to chuck.e. cheeses. most younger kids love to go there. i took my three year old daughter there for her birthday.

  5. I used to have my son's bdays at a park pavillion.. that way the kids could play on the equipment and I didn't have to clean my house.. where I live it only costs $25 to rent a large pavillion for the whole day.. we would bbq hotdogs and bring chips and drinks and cake.. it was a lot of fun and SOOO simple

  6. Take a couple pizzas to your local park and let the kids play while the adults talk. Or you can just grill out hot dogs and have chips and a drinks.

  7. at home with cake and family and gifts

  8. You can usually find themed birthday plates and stuff at the dollar store.  I would try maybe a local pizza place or even Mcdonalds where they may have a play area. *if you having a bunch of kids.*  Do you have a relative that you could possible ask to use their yard or back porch or something?  If not I would just keep it small.  even just invite immediate family over for cake after dinner on the night of his birthday.  He will be so excited to see everyone and really he has no idea yet what the meaning of birthday is.  Short and simple is best anyway sometimes.  Good luck...and happy birthday to you son!

  9. For a two year old, I would only do your family and maybe grandparents. If you or your husband have siblings, you can invite them too or closer friends. No need for a party at that young age.

    For food, just egg or ham & cheese sandwiches cut in triangles, cut veggies & ketchup/mayo sauce, chips, juices.

    The dollar store has a lot of decorations you can have for cheap.

    Or you can go to the Macdonald. You can celebrate birthdays there without renting the place. People can pay for their own food & kids play in the playground area, etc.


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