
What is the single most important issue America should be working on today?

by Guest32435  |  earlier

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What is the single most important issue America should be working on today?




  1. America has got to ensure United Statesians stop using the word America when the mean the US of A.

    You see, America is a continent with 37 nations and 960 million people, about 320 million in Anglo America, and about 640 million in Latin America. The US of A is less than 30% of America.

  2. Immigration. Build the fence and kick out the illegals. As a taxpayer, I'm sick of paying for their free healthcare, free housing, free food stamps, and free education.

  3. Equal rights under the tax code. All sacrifice the same percentage of their income or pay the same sales tax. Knowone is more or less american than someone else. (Unless their not american)

  4. Overpopulation is our greatest concern. We're outstripping our natural resources exponentially.

    We live in a world of biological laws. Not government or religious laws.

  5. the economy, food & gas prices.

  6. The economy

    The economy controls our security -- here and abroad, our ability to live, to function and any possibility of a stable future.

  7. Getting a true fiscal and social conservative onto the vice president slot of the Republican party.  

  8. Helping retired people that really have worked.

  9. Once again becomming a UNITED States.

  10. The power grab by the executive branch, need to get the appropriate authorities such as oversight, and warrants, and advice and consent, back to congress and courts where they belong.

  11. fighting hunger and disease.

  12. Repairing our credibility and relationships around the world.

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