
What is the single most important problem facing American political society today?

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Good answers, but I'm thinking more along the lines of what happens to our tax dollars. Hint: It's not liberal spending or a war economy.




  1. Willful ingorance.

  2. The Obama's

  3. Subversive anti-American Communists are America's biggest problem.  They love Obama.

  4. Peak oil.  Nothing else comes close.  We talk about $4 gasoline like it's crushing us but we still live in nice homes with running water and nice beds to sleep in, and we can still get to work and find food at the store.  But this has the power to change all of the above.  And the funny thing about it, is that no one wants to mention it.

  5. extremists.

  6. Freedom of Speech.

    Take Yahoo Answers for example.

    All one has to do to be punished unfairly and unjustly is to say something that some dolt doesn't agree with and is too much of a loser to fight his or her battle of wits so they run and hide behind Mama Yahoo's skirt.

    If I yelled "FIRE" in a crowed building fully knowing that there is none, I would deserve punishment.

    If I voice an opinion that someone doesn't agree with, Yahoo is the TOOL that the LOSERS use to censor I and others.

    One of those LOSERS will probably report this answer to your question as a violation of hurting their feelings.

    Poor babies. lol

    Have a nice day LOSERS.

    Keep hiding behing Mommy Yahoo's skirt.

  7. I think the single most important issue is how a government which was properly intended to serve the people by ensuring order and freedom, has instead enacted policies which make the people subservient to the government.  The government is supposed to enable individuals to empower themselves.  Instead the government seeks wealth and power for itself at the expense of and from the people whom it is supposed to be serving.  Unfortunately, neither of the political parties that are popular and powerful today truly wish to or ever will seek to diminish the power of government.  If a political party that is not popular or powerful today becomes so in the future, it will stop whatever inclinations it has in that direction and seek to empower itself through government.

  8. The need for realistic health care.  Too many of our youths are forced to let medical conditions go unattended because they cannot afford to go to a doctor and pharmacy. If something isn't done very soon, these conditions are going to cause permanent and irreversible damage to

    our children and our nation.

  9. The economy... McCain's "strong suit".  NOT

  10. lack of understanding. when it comes to important issues like burning buildings, we all agree that white is right and black is wrong, but things aren't always in black and white. A lot of times its shades of gray.

    The most important problem facing american political society is lack of understanding. Not just the poor, but fundamental values... things both republicans and democrats alike cherish, like our children, that are being totally ignored. Children grow up without parents, go to a school that doesn't know how, or isn't properly equipped, to teach them. The polls are so astounding that I don't even want to take the time to look at the recent polls for my state for people my age.

    Honestly if something doesn't change I'm out of here. I hear Australia has some lonely women. Maybe I will go keep them some company. Starting to seem like a better idea every day I hear a new opinion.

  11. Peak Oil is going to spell the end of our economy.  When there's not enough oil to meet demand, the price of it will go up like it has been doing.  In a few years the price of oil will be so high that flying will become a luxury, driving across the country will become a luxury, gas guzzling vehicles will be unheard of, and it'll just be too expensive to live far away.  Suburbs, a vehicle for every member of the household, and cheap goods and services will all become a memory.  But that's not necessarily a problem facing the American political society.  

    The biggest problem facing American politics is NSPD-51.  The president has given himself the power to declare a state of national emergency whenever he wants for whatever reason.  Once this state of emergency is declared, he can make himself a dictator and cancel the next election.  That is the single most important problem facing politics today.  

  12. a tax and spend socialist government

  13. Economy

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