
What is the situation for tourists to Kashmir at the moment?

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I visited in 1988, arriving in Srinagar on the day General Zia's plane crashed and the troubles kicked off again. Despite the fighting and the curfews managed to spend 2 peaceful weeks on the beautiful Nagin Lake, but believe it has been a no-go for travellers since then. However I believe the situation's improved and I even saw Michael Palin doing a programme from there a couple of years ago.




  1. Right now situation has been completely changed, there are complete peacefully and fully able to visit.

    If you want to visit Kashmir now then is good time for visit,

    if you want to visit the Kashmir, then you should contact to travel agency, I would recommend a tour agency that's website is

    Best of luck

  2. From the UK Foreign and Commonwealth office website:

    Jammu & Kashmir

    We advise against all travel to or through rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir (other than Ladakh), and all but essential air travel to Srinagar. If you intend to travel to Srinagar then you should only travel there by air. There continues to be a high level of conflict and terrorist violence in Kashmir, including car bombs, grenade attacks, bombs on roads and shootings.  In May – June 2006, a series of attacks on tourist buses in and around Srinagar killed six tourists and injured over 30 others. A hotel (in Pahalgam) was the target of an attack in June 2004.

    There is a danger of landmines in some border areas.  There is also a risk of kidnapping.  Militants took five foreign nationals hostage, including two Britons, in July 1995: one is known to have been murdered and the others are believed dead.  You should be aware that the long-standing policy of the British Government is not to make substantive concessions to hostage takers. The British Government considers that paying ransoms and releasing prisoners increases the risk of further hostage taking.

    Other significant incidents include:

    11 October 2007: grenade attack on a police HQ based in a hotel in Srinagar; three police officers injured.  Explosion on the Srinagar-Baramulla highway; five soldiers and two civilians killed.

    05 August 2007: grenade attack at a market in Awantipora, 30km south of Srinagar.  Nine people injured.

    03 August 2007: grenade attack on a marketplace in Banihal, 110km south of Srinagar.  Twenty four people injured, including five policemen.

    29 July 2007: explosion on a tourist bus in Shalimar gardens, Srinagar.  Six people killed.

    11 July 2006: series of grenade attacks in central Srinagar. Eight people, including six tourists, killed and 40 injured.

    21 May 2006: militant attack on a political rally in central Srinagar. Six people killed and 35 injured.

    1 May 2006: 35 civilians kidnapped and murdered by militants in Doda district in Indian-administered Kashmir.

    You should beware of travel agents who will try to convince you that it is safe to travel to Jammu or Kashmir.  Despite increased official promotion of Kashmir as a tourist centre and improved relations between India and Pakistan, tensions remain high in Kashmir.

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