
What is the situation with showers in the British Royal Navy?

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I'm strongly considering entering the British Royal Navy and was curious as to its shower situations. I've seen varied internet search responses but still very little answers. Any words of help or perhaps experience would be great, thanks




  1. They're not as bad as people make out, and don't believe the g*y rumours. My father was in the british navy and he's a straight as they come. It took him long enough to work out yours truly is a straight as a  roundabout. Obviously it depends where you are based but most times the showers are private.

  2. Just don't pick up the soap!

  3. There not comunal. You get your own "booth" half the time but there all in one "shower room" so to put ut. Just make sure you get there early in the morning (0700 is Call the hands(CTH)) before the hot water runs out.

    On a sub clean water isn't an issue because its 'generated' from the reactor. On a ship you sometimes get water rationing because a port didn't supply water when it said it would or you get contaminated.

  4. Clean water is a luxury so its spared especially in a submarine, subs and ships have de-salination machines but have limited storage space as don't forget subs and ships have ballast tanks which can only hold enough salt water to keep the keel even.  So i reckon it wont be a communal shower as such but more like a ratings shower.  deck hands and petty officers first Lt and ensigns second then the commanders and captain in private shower rooms.  For the best shower perhaps it would pay to be the Captains Stewart.  

  5. All RN ships make their own fresh water so there is no problem with showers and with women at sea there are even separate mens and womens showers. Think of it sort of like your gym, there are shower stalls with curtains and all the normal amenities. After secure (end of the work day), all hands not on watch are required to have a shower and dress in night clothing, so any concerns about not being able to keep clean are totally unfounded.

    Enjoy your career in the Andrew  

  6. Do not drop your soap!

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