
What is the size/measurements of a horse rink?

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What is the measurements for the ring or circle in which people train their horses?




  1. I believe you mean round pen!  Most round pens are generally 50 ft. in diameter, and usually about 5 ft. tall.

    Mine is 50 ft. I can make it smaller if I have to, in case I have a young horse that I need to keep under control better.

  2. They are often quite different given what you can afford or use it for. If you are asking because you want to make yourself an arena/roundpen whatever...just take your horse out and lunge or ride them...find out what enough space is to you to do what it is you want. Another thing is footing, which is just as important...too thin and its not too comfy, too thick and it causes strain on their tendons.

  3. The average arena size, you might say, is 100x200.  Most indoors I know around here are 80x200.  But, the size is really up to you.  The absolute minimum width you'd want is probably 60 to 70 feet.  Any smaller, and you would have a difficult time if you were training for a particular sport.

  4. Do you mean an arena??

    The indoor one at the riding school where I work is about 20m by 40m rectangle, the outdoor one is a little smaller.

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