
What is the slope of(3,6)(4,7)

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What is the slope of(3,6)(4,7)




  1. The slope of a graph is defined as:

    the change of y/change of x





    (slope can also be denoted as m - as in, slope intercept form y=mx+b)

  2. subtract x and x. 3-4= -1

    subtract the y and y. 6-7= -1

    then -1 over -1 equals one.

    so the slope is 1.

  3. omg im so sorry i like sat hear 4 like 3 min trying 2 remember how 2 find the slope lol. i waz so good at finding the slope wini had a test on it and now since skewls out i 4go! YIKES i bettr start studying. sorry i coodnt help :(

  4. form the equation of line using the given co-ordinates...

    (x-x1)/(x2-x1)   == (y-y1)/(y2-y1)

    u will get... x-3=y-6..

    form the equation..y=mx + c ------->y = x + 3 ---->so the value of m is 1 (the coefficient of x)

  5. change in y/ change in x

    6-7 = -1


    3-4 = -1

    but this equals +1

    slope  = +1

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