
What is the smallest total clearance ever achieved in snooker?

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f.i. yellow with every red ball, and than all the coulors.




  1. Legally a player can pot multiple reds on one shot, however he only gets to follow with an attempt at one colour. Unrealistically the minimum is 15 reds 15 pts/yellow 2 pts  and run the colours = 44.    :) plz don't flog me!

    We may never be told the smallest clearance ever attained as usually only professional snooker results are publicized, and minimally at that.

  2. 72

  3. Well there are 15 reds worth 1pt, pot 15 yellows with these (2x15) gives 30. Then the usual clearance (yellow [2], green [3], brown [4], blue [5], pink [6] and black [7]) gives 27.

    So the minimum possible is 15 + 30 + 27 = 72

  4. The smallest possible total clearance of 72 has never been achieved. The smallest total clearance is somewhere over the 100 point mark.

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